Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
when trump files bankruptcy on Social Security because it was a good deal & will get America out of debt fast.....who cares about a bunch of used-up old people anyway. The melinnelials got their "outsider" president....I hope they are prepared for the future it holds
remember the Government has been pulling money out of social sec and putting a IOU back in it don't think its trumps fault he was done long ago


Well-Known Member
the new cali law will make it much more difficult to get a medical card. they want me to pay retail & tax my the sick
why should you be exempt /? or are we suppose to feel sorry for every sick lad

Don't think the legalization at anytime was really for your benefit it wasn't be great-full you can grow period


Well-Known Member
we "usually" pay our debts......but that's not Trumps way.....
Come on man usally pay your debts ? is that what we lost our AAA rating ?? paying your debt is one thing paying only your interest is another, right that is all your paying interest charges and guess what.
You see the nation debt going down ?? i don't but go up because every god dam time a democrat president gets in office they pull another stupid stimulus package to think that America is booming its not it never has ..
And that is why the world is what it is and possible world war 3 around the corner

The system does not work it never has and its ran its course

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
Come on man usally pay your debts ? is that what we lost our AAA rating ?? paying your debt is one thing paying only your interest is another, right that is all your paying interest charges and guess what.
You see the nation debt going down ?? i don't but go up because every god dam time a democrat president gets in office they pull another stupid stimulus package to think that America is booming its not it never has ..
And that is why the world is what it is and possible world war 3 around the corner

The system does not work it never has and its ran its course
Oh my god, you just described the reason people loved Ronald Reagan! He stimulated the economy with deficit spending and made everyone feel good. He also modified tax codes to favor the super rich billionaire class. Remember "trickle down"??? We all got trickled on and orange hitler is going to do it again. You can quote me on that.
The WORST POSSIBLE thing that could happen would be orange hitler dying in office & the religious zealot takes over. Say goodbye to marijuana and legal abortion. He will shut it all down in an effort to impress his version of god (who is not a nice fellow).

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
I don't think most people have a clue of whats coming.
If republicans control the house, senate, and presidency, the damage they will do is incomprehensible. Remember George Bush giving tax cuts while our country was hemorrhaging blood & treasure in an unjustified war that completely disrupted the middle east??? Why do you think the economy crashed???
Trump will be far worse than George Bush.
I will give him as much respect as the republicunts gave our current president the last 8 years. Watch these obstructionist a-holes call for unity tomorrow morning. And that we should respect our president even if we don't agree with him. Yeah sure, you betcha.
Hang on folks. This is going to get bumpy. Remember, this is the guy who said it's OK for Saudi Arabia to have nukes. SAY WHAT???
The only hope we have is that Trump a compulsive liar and didn't mean anything he said.

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
Trumps comeback started when the FBI said it was reopening the email investigation -- then said there was nothing to find & closed it.
Clearly interference in an election. Maybe Clinton use a page out of Orange Hitlers playbook and not concede. Just sue the shit out of everyone and see what happens...
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