Donald Trump

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Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
I'm glad they rushed Trump off stage. He is becoming a site for sore eyes. He is starting to look like an over ripened citrus fruit getting ready to explode.


Well-Known Member
Did someone just try to kill Donald Trump? National hero?
The guy has already been released from custody, he probably farted and someone yelled gun.
He is a never Trump republican and held up a sign and was then attacked,then someone yelled gun.
Can't wait till the Trumpkins claim he was a Clinton operative, 4,3,2,1.
lets see what the democrats are up to, a yes another False flag event.
For Monday looks like even Obama, is worried that trump is going to sweep the nation with a win
Even Hillary is losing her voice lol come Tuesday she will be silent.
And with that look of WTF just happened
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