Well-Known Member
Also an anti-vaccer
@Flaming Pie did you vaccinate your little miss housekeeping, thereby giving her autism?
Also an anti-vaccer
Build all the walls you want. You think Mexico doesn't have shovels?I think he's the man that will build the wall to secure the border. I think it's a great idea. Many Mexicans are against it, but why? So they can't commit crimes and escape to mexico? So drugs can't easily be transported? Fuck all that, secure it from terrorist. You really don't have to justify building a wall. The fact that there is so much controversy over this wall just goes to show that we have a bigger problem than we realize.
Bernie pays his fucking taxes.Bernie is spending his surplus Campaign funds and thanking Hillary for the chance to get them,
Hillary and Sanders were never that different politically...if he himself couldn't run...the only reason for him to not support the person that did get the nomination for his party would be out of spite.Because he`s living large and buddy buddy with his adversary. Trump said he would not support the GOP.
See the difference. If Trump loses, he will support Hillary on other side, not adversaries that ripped him on his side. Sanders should not be supporting Hillary at all. But is because she will rip him on his newly earned treasures.
Bernie pays his fucking taxes.
Hillary and Sanders were never that different politically...if he himself couldn't run...the only reason for him to not support the person that did get the nomination for his party would be out of spite.
Now I know this seems hard to believe...but most adults don't do things out of spite.
Trump does...but he's made it pretty clear he's not an adult.
Not true. I was a Bernie supporter. We didn't have the numbers. Even if there was interference, the numbers weren't big enough for them to need to. And I imagine most politicians expect to have to deal with a little bit of dirty politics. Bernie said he would support the nominee if it wasn't him and he's sticking to his word like a respectable adult. Unlike Donald Trump.She rig things so he had no chance. Any adult with no agenda, would remember that. I wouldn`t support those who did me wrong. I would let them be on their own.
Wrong.If Bernie could legally not have to pay, he would do the same.
Can anyone tell me, in history, has building a wall ever been
Not true. I was a Bernie supporter. We didn't have the numbers. Even if there was interference, the numbers weren't big enough for them to need to. And I imagine most politicians expect to have to deal with a little bit of dirty politics. Bernie said he would support the nominee if it wasn't him and he's sticking to his word like a respectable adult. Unlike Donald Trump.
With the dumpsters attitude I'm surprised he hasn't said "only the little people pay taxes" a la Leona Helmsley (The Queen of mean).
They were the Ali vs Frazier of NY real estate, maybe he hasn't used that line because he hated her.
Donald has broken no laws.
Do you ever get tired of spewing the most insane, stupid shit? Up all night rocking the trailer and tweaking, eh?
50+ years of grotesque opulence, breaking every law (moral and otherwise), sinister behaviors, free-wheeling demented oligarchy, and you really just typed this: "Donald has broken no laws" ?
Lemme guess, you are a 'recent convert' (as with most red state feces) to Herr Drumpf, yeah? Not a native NYer, I'll assume....
Sorry big guy, I should have said tax laws. I forget there are the simple here. Again, sorry.
You mean "simple" as in advocating racist murders and denying climate change?
I bet you've been up all night, eh? Cursing at the walls, hittin that glass dick, lamenting your miserable existence, etc...
Wrong.You know this How ? Donald has broken no laws. Neither would Bernie.
If it`s soooo soooo bad, That 47% Romney mentioned adds up to a lot more. Go get them too.