Donald Trump

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LOL Propaganda.^^^^^ It works every time on weak minded sheep, and losers. I bet you (UncleBuck) actually believe that ^^^^ Obama made things better pic. You're funny.
LOL Propaganda. It works every time on weak minded sheep, and losers. I bet you actually believe that UncleBuck. You're funny.

call me crazy, but i actually do believe that the dow hit 18,000, because it did. and i do believe the deficit was slashed, because it was. and since i've been paying around $2 a gallon for gas, i believe that too. gdp growth of 4% is verifiably true, so i believe that as well.

but yeah, it's all propaganda because you are a racist with a major ass-ache.

Here's an example of how Hillary supporters like UncleBuck live their lives:
BTW you silly liberals, save the word Racist for someone who actually is. Otherwise you only cheapen it.

^^^^ actual daycare footage of UncleBuck ;)
Vote Trump 2016

Trump could give a fuck less about Political Correctness and the demented Social Justice Warriors
:) I'm with Trump .
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Here's an example of how Hillary supporters like UncleBuck live their lives:
BTW you silly liberals, save the word Racist for someone who actually is. Otherwise you only cheapen it.

^^^^ actual daycare footage of UncleBuck ;)
Vote Trump 2016

Trump could give a fuck less about Political Correctness and the demented Social Justice Warriors
:) I'm with Trump .

it took you 21 minutes to compose that abortion of a post, and you still couldn't change the subject away from how successful the obama presidency has been?

you're dumb even for a racist.
Look it's " Some Black Guy " *** breaking it down for you UncleBuck. Listen and learn, you're constant use of the word Racist, qualifies you to be on the same nut train as TrigglyPuff. She's your kinda gal. Trump is going to derail you fluff puffs LOL .
**** the name of his Youtube channel.
^^^^^^ Milo doesn't care for Social Justice Warriors either . Like me, he likes Trump :)
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Look it's " Some Black Guy " *** breaking it down for you UncleBuck. Listen and learn, you're constant use of the word Racist, qualifies you to be on the same nut train as TrigglyPuff. She's your kinda gal. Trump is going to derail you fluff puffs LOL .
**** the name of his Youtube channel.
^^^^^^ Milo doesn't care for Social Justice Warriors either . Like me, he likes Trump :)
You still didn't refute any of the facts in Buck's post that you claimed are untrue.

But how hard do you have to kick it to make the person climbing shit themselves?

Its even simpler , just use the examples set by mexico & Spain , two spanish populations that treat immigration onto their shores with severe beatings , death and prison .

Last I knew rubber bullets were like 69 cents , which is a lot cheaper that the mlions of hollow point rounds HSA bought that are useless for war .
Am I the only one who thinks you are vastly underestimating the need in the states for illegal immigrants, I mean I know it's not something people talk about often but has anyone actually thought about all the business' and stuff that benefit from the immigrants. I mean yeah criminals have to cross the border illegally because they actually cant go through legally and they should be stopped, but how many people do you think are really moving to the states to fuck shit up? A lot of them are just people who realise how bad the situation is in mexico and are trying to help provide a better life for their families who cant get visa's because they cant afford it or because they arent relatively rich. I used to tutor migrant kids (not mexicans cos I wasn't in the states) and I can tell you people who are trying to work to keep their family from having to go back to a situation where things are actually dangerous work harder than any body you've ever seen I mean I've heard kids tell me there parents work 18 hour shifts 7 fucking days a week. They would be very willing to do things legally if they could I mean theyd have much better pay and living conditions but they cant, and can you really blame them for not taking no for an answer when people are being killed and shit all the time in mexico? I know if I had a family I'd be trying to get the fuck outta there asap. Maybe if the states relaxed their legal immigration a bit they would have an easier time sorting out those who were willing to do honest work from the criminals and they could turn what is now seen as a major issue into a benefit to their society. Either way painting them all with the same brush and just saying they all bring in crime and shit is some stupid bullshit imo sounds like you somehow couldn't be bothered to think that they are all individual people who make their own decisions with some being bad and some good just like everywhere else. Most "good" law abiding people would choose to leave a dangerous situation, and obviously they do.

I can tell you this much , the multi billion dollar commercial & industrial building trades have been utterly devistated by illegal immigrants , building trades like masons , cement finishers , industrial roofers etc that for a century were predominantly manned by black american citizens are now filled by illegal immigrants , while half of black america sits home .

There is zero shortage of labor in america , the BS claim of US citizens not wanting to accept dirty jobs is rhetoric .
I can tell you this much , the multi billion dollar commercial & industrial building trades have been utterly devistated by illegal immigrants , building trades like masons , cement finishers , industrial roofers etc that for a century were predominantly manned by black american citizens are now filled by illegal immigrants , while half of black america sits home .

There is zero shortage of labor in america , the BS claim of US citizens not wanting to accept dirty jobs is rhetoric .
Start fining those companies $100,000 for each violation of hiring undocumented workers & watch how fast things change.....until then quit blaming the mexican
Start fining those companies $100,000 for each violation of hiring undocumented workers & watch how fast things change.....until then quit blaming the mexican

Nice but not reflective of reality , reality is that anybody with a social security card is elligable for employment & as long as SSI accepts contributions on behalf of an illegal worker they can't legally be fired .

So fine exactly who when contractors are following the letter of the law ? fire a single " suspected " illegal & you'll have 10 law suits before the end of the business day , its the jib of social security admin to reject bogus numbers and theve been ordered not to so right back at ya .
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