Donald Trump

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I certainly would. Again, I have no problem with people wanting to own firearms (with the exception of assault rifles). I just don't like having my intelligence insulted.
I am not a big fan of assault rifles either, don't own one and if it were to get to the point I needed to, well things would be really screwed...

"1. Consider the Context: Mr. Trump’s Overt, Even Proud Misogyny

The rape case must be viewed through the lens of Mr. Trump’s current, longstanding and well documented contempt for women. Men who objectify women are more likely to become perpetrators of sexual violence, just as one with a long history of overtly racist comments is more likely to commit a hate crime.

Mr. Trump has relished calling women “dogs,” “slobs” and “pigs,” and cyberstalked and derided journalist Megyn Kelly for having the temerity to ask him to defend his own words. He threw out the most misogynist of attacks, attempting to undermine her professionalism by accusing her of menstruating. He’s cruelly ridiculed the appearance of a female opponent (Carly Fiorina) and an opponent’s wife (Heidi Cruz). His campaign even openly acknowledged that it disqualified all women for consideration as his vice-president.

Mr. Trump has a long history of debasing women he’s worked with, crossing the line on a regular basis. He’s taken lifelong joy in objectifying women, including hisproclamation: “Women, you have to treat ‘em like shit

It's difficult to believe that anyone would support such a repugnant POS, but women voting for him? Ughhhh.......

LOL, you get so angry and type so very much for such an uninteresting conversation....really is comical in a very sad way
Calling him uninteresting tweaked his vanity. Too funny that. What a weak crybaby.

the unexamined life is ___ _____ ______.

So dismal is your life to not ever question your masters.
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Authoritarians, only know how to threaten or kill and don't really consider alternatives. Ever wonder what happens if the dog gets to the snake before you do?

Here's something that might keep the person, the dog and the snake more safe:
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The trump is such slimy weasel shit that his initial asshole move to get attention was the birther debacle. Mindless louts glommed onto that idiot shit with "patriotic passion". The same idiot jackasses are following this turd with imbecile like "make america great" grunts and snorts. Trump has made it crystal clear that he is a mindless ass with an idiot's agends but it has no significance to his deluded followers.delusions-of-the-donald-blog-5-3-11.jpg 92327_600.jpg cjones09192015.jpg
I don't see any problem with that. I get why some people like guns, I'm just not one of them.
I personally don't own a gun right now. I have owned a gun in the past.

A gun is a tool, a sport, and a self defense weapon. It should aways be available to law abiding citizens. Taking them away from law abiding citizens (semi auto ban) only shifts the balance of power to criminals and corruption.

If you think the police is corrupt now, watch how fucked things will get when they have all the guns and all others with guns are considered criminals.
I personally don't own a gun right now. I have owned a gun in the past.

A gun is a tool, a sport, and a self defense weapon. It should aways be available to law abiding citizens. Taking them away from law abiding citizens (semi auto ban) only shifts the balance of power to criminals and corruption.

If you think the police is corrupt now, watch how fucked things will get when they have all the guns and all others with guns are considered criminals.
nobody is talking about taking away guns, only restricting certain kinds. The current proposal regarding "assault rifles" isn't going to stop the carnage and I don't support it but this lie about taking away guns from law abiding citizens isn't even on the table for discussion. Except among right wing conspiracy nut jobs.
I personally don't own a gun right now. I have owned a gun in the past.

A gun is a tool, a sport, and a self defense weapon. It should aways be available to law abiding citizens. Taking them away from law abiding citizens (semi auto ban) only shifts the balance of power to criminals and corruption.

If you think the police is corrupt now, watch how fucked things will get when they have all the guns and all others with guns are considered criminals.
Your logic is that police corruption is checked by gun ownership? So hawaii and nj have the most police corruption? Youre dumb as fuck, for real.your thinking is up your ass.

Which states have the lowest gun ownership rates?
The top three were District of Columbia (DC), Hawaii and New Jersey. Hawaii, the state that had one of the fewest gun-related deaths in 2010, had only 6.7% gun ownership and a gun murder rate of 0.5 out of 100,000 population.
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