Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
think of all the blood on the hands of Ronnie and W. holy crap! marine corps barracks bombing and 9/11[/QU
Where the fuck are the pictures of George Bush's bloody hands? What monitor not big enough to list the dead?

Yup Trump supporters are so radical. They want change so badly.
She abandoned those men to die, then had her office make up a huge coverup story and lie out their teeth directly and for weeks to the american people. She is not president yet, is totally undeserving of the role, and I could never support someone who lies so religiously and on such a frequent basis. She has no moral character and demonstrates great moral turpitude.


Well-Known Member
She abandoned those men to die, then had her office make up a huge coverup story and lie out their teeth directly and for weeks to the american people. She is not president yet, is totally undeserving of the role, and I could never support someone who lies so religiously and on such a frequent basis. She has no moral character and demonstrates great moral turpitude.


Well-Known Member
What is amazing to me about Hillary supporters is there lack of being able to say anything good about her, only to bash someone else to defend why they want her to be president. That is a sad statement about our likely future president...


Well-Known Member
LOL, we are not talking about Bush or Obama, this is about Hillary a morally bankrupt individual, undeserving to be president. I did not vote for Bush, and I did vote for Obama his first term, but after Obama being in office for 8 years if all you can offer to support Hillary is bringing up Bush that is very weak support of her.
I just don't get it. Where was the outrage when W was running this country into the ground, killing people? Who is really the morally bankrupt crowd here?


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Poll: Donald Trump Has 1 Percent of African-American Voter Support
A Quinnipiac University poll shows that Hillary Clinton has a commanding 91 percent-to-1 percent lead over the presumptive Republican presidential nominee.

Donald Trump isn’t faring well with African-American voters. A new Quinnipiac University poll shows that Hillary Clinton is doing extraordinarily well with African-American voters and has a commanding 91 percent-to-1 percent lead over the presumptive Republican presidential nominee.


Well-Known Member
I just don't get it. Where was the outrage when W was running this country into the ground, killing people? Who is really the morally bankrupt crowd here?
What do you mean where was the outrage? There was a lot of outrage. I think however that you forget, there was almost 100 percent support to go to war, voted on by both republicans and democrats in the house and senate, likewise the majority of the citizens of this country wanted to go to war, that was the sentiment when we did go to war. People want to rewrite history but clearly forget those facts about the war.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Where the fuck are the pictures of George Bush's bloody hands? What monitor not big enough to list the dead?

Yup Trump supporters are so radical. They want change so badly.
I was in high school when bush was president.

Why do you assume we all like bush here? I certainly don't.


Well-Known Member
I was in high school when bush was president.

Why do you assume we all like bush here? I certainly don't.
And the irony here is that you are too fucking stupid to see that Trump will be worse than Bush. The world hated Bush, the world hates Trump more.

Trump is the most disliked Presidential candidate in recorded history, anywhere. And there is a reason for that. But you simply aren't smart enough to figure that out on your own.


Well-Known Member
What do you mean where was the outrage? There was a lot of outrage. I think however that you forget, there was almost 100 percent support to go to war, voted on by both republicans and democrats, likewise the majority of the citizens of this country wanted to go to war, that was the sentiment when we did go to war. People want to rewrite history but clearly forget those facts about the war.
we agreed because we were lied to that there were WMD"s. remember that farce?


Well-Known Member
What do you mean where was the outrage? There was a lot of outrage. I think however that you forget, there was almost 100 percent support to go to war, voted on by both republicans and democrats, likewise the majority of the citizens of this country wanted to go to war, that was the sentiment when we did go to war. People want to rewrite history but clearly forget those facts about the war.
What the fuck do you mean, what do I mean? I mean what I said. You are suffering from a severe case of rational thought neglect, and I do not have time to break it down for you. I am too busy enjoying this spicy chicken quesodilla and ice cold Lagunitas. You run along now...
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