Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
Wow, you've been here since 2009 ?? Yikes, speaks volumes about this place, sadly....

"Pablo Escobar", LOL....rriiigggghhhhhttttt.....a crakerass coke kingpin living in his mom's basement, eh?

Pull Drumpf's 3-incher out of your lips and go crawl back under a rock, flesh failure. Poster boy for the IGNORE button. :hump:
I take it you also share Bucks support for ISIS, correct? You like that they chuck gay folks off tall buildings?


Well-Known Member
It's so amusing that among you Drumpftards it always comes down to the "Buck fanclub", lol. DERP! I got news for ya, kiddo - I've been humiliating flesh failures like you for many, many years before even being aware of this site, but again, nice try! :lol:

Meltdown imminent...wait for it, kids...

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As for me, time for a shower + beer! Need to wash away the sweat of the afternoon plus some newly accumulated right wing cess from being in this thread - Smells like rancid mayonnaise, Nascar, and generic cigs - Gross!


Well-Known Member
Who is that chick, she's HOT! I'd totally do her. Anyways, I thought you were done quoting me if I wasn't addressing you. Now fuckoff loser
He's desperate for ANY sort of attention/stimulation, can't you tell?

I'm just shocked that such an obvious troll/terrible person has been allowed to remain among this fine community for seven years - Kadokhes!!

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Absolutely nothing. You know how it is with the bottom-feeding right wingers - everything that doesn't suit THEM gets exaggerated or (wait for it) TRUMPED up to suit their oftentimes racist/homophobic/idiotic agendas. Remember, we are (unfortunately) dealing with the same type of low-rent braindeads that focus on things like the TYPE of BULLETS/guns used in a given massacre, rather than the loss of human life and other aspects that actually matter.

I'm not even a massive Hillary fan, but for these Alex Jones/Fox 'news' (lol) apostles to even TRY and equate any sort of wrong doing on her part with the forty year laundry list of inhumanities and repulsive dealings perpetrated by Drumpf is just beyond laughable. Funnier still is that some of them actually BELIEVE that we are so fucked as a country that he will become PRESIDENT- LOL!
Sad, desperate fucks, ain't they? Then again, they always were, dating at least back to the Nixon era. The truly mind boggling and pathetic aspect of the right wing mindset, though? The fact that 85% of them are white, working drones stuck in dead end jobs, of lower IQ, and suffering from a nasty form of Stockholm Syndrome. I mean, how ELSE could you explain such lunatic-level devotion for people that don't even care if you exist, and in most cases even hate you?
Truly sad.

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She has to have a trial before she can be charged.

You guy are so dense. There will be a subpoena for Hillary Rodham Clinton once all her employees have been interviewed and all her emails recovered from her wiped server.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Absolutely nothing. You know how it is with the bottom-feeding right wingers - everything that doesn't suit THEM gets exaggerated or (wait for it) TRUMPED up to suit their oftentimes racist/homophobic/idiotic agendas. Remember, we are (unfortunately) dealing with the same type of low-rent braindeads that focus on things like the TYPE of BULLETS/guns used in a given massacre, rather than the loss of human life and other aspects that actually matter.

I'm not even a massive Hillary fan, but for these Alex Jones/Fox 'news' (lol) apostles to even TRY and equate any sort of wrong doing on her part with the forty year laundry list of inhumanities and repulsive dealings perpetrated by Drumpf is just beyond laughable. Funnier still is that some of them actually BELIEVE that we are so fucked as a country that he will become PRESIDENT- LOL!
Sad, desperate fucks, ain't they? Then again, they always were, dating at least back to the Nixon era. The truly mind boggling and pathetic aspect of the right wing mindset, though? The fact that 85% of them are white, working drones stuck in dead end jobs, of lower IQ, and suffering from a nasty form of Stockholm Syndrome. I mean, how ELSE could you explain such lunatic-level devotion for people that don't even care if you exist, and in most cases even hate you?
Truly sad.

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Well-Known Member
You can't possibly be this dumb. Actually . . . it appears you are.

The 1st quote is you making the assertion that an ACT is federal law. Namely, the RICO Act. Fine.

It's the 2nd quote that puts your partisan hypocrisy on full display. There you actually assert that the Federal Records Act is not a law. Because it's an ACT.

Get it? Better tell Obama the Affordable Care Act is not a law :(

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As soon as Flaming Pie says that anyone who watches FoxNews is a moron, and she would never do it, I'll bring it up. But she's not a bitter partisan dummy who resorts to hypocrisy and dishonesty. Like you do.

LOL. It's an Act, not a law! Sorry Obama, UncleBuck thinks your pretty dumb.

Do you think bucky would admit to being wrong? Or that calling him wrong makes you a RACIST. HYPOCRISY is the CORNERSTONE of buckys DEBAITING.


Well-Known Member
Ah, a member of Bucks fan club. You realize that pic of Trump with that quote never happened right? It's a 100% fabrication that sheep like you believe and run with. That's lunatic level devotion.

And while we're at it, show anything from me anywhere supporting any political party or candidate.

It's real easy to expose purely partisan fraud espoused by you and Buck.
that shit makes you guys so upset that i may have to add it to my sig.

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