Donald Trump

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Because the Iraqi Army broke and ran. And yes, it is a cause for concern. I don't understand why George W invaded that country in the first place.

Well it`s limited, those sleeves stretch out, look at the service tag under the barrel, it`s empty, hasn`t even been serviced yet and it`s prolly long gone,...but the days after it should have at least been attempted to retrieve. With no gun it`s still a well armored vehichle.
Well it`s limited, those sleeves stretch out, look at the service tag under the barrel, it`s empty, hasn`t even been serviced yet and it`s prolly long gone,...but the days after it should have at least been attempted to retrieve. With no gun it`s still a well armored vehichle.
ISIS can't afford to service these tanks. They are losing the war and are cut off from any major source of revenue. I've been saying this for quite a while now. Obama did us a great service by NOT sending major numbers of troops to recapture what has become an albatross around the neck of ISIS. They can't afford to service the tank and can't just let Iraqi army take it back. Its a resource drain they can't afford. Smart move, Obama.
I am asking you to address the point you made. Unless you can't.

How can you say "we should have never been there" and then be proud to have been there?
Well David Jr. I actually got out of the USAF when Baby Bush invaded Iraq. I wanted to do 30 years. instead I only got in 22.

Now why did you snitch on you friends. Did you think it was going to get you less time ?
Obama just Stated that we are now addressing leadership in countries that allow iSIL to continue to function, Newsflash, He is the number one reason ISIL was allowed to form, He let it form when his advisers told him it will more than four years ago.

ISIS was founded in 1999 genius.
Well David Jr. I actually got out of the USAF when Baby Bush invaded Iraq. I wanted to do 30 years. instead I only got in 22.

Now why did you snitch on you friends. Did you think it was going to get you less time ?

So those who served during the Iraq invasion shouldn't be proud?

You do realize who got less time don't you? By a HUGE margin. Figure it out. ;)
there is a huge diference b/t following orders and doing whats right or wrong.

doing the right thing is way above most peoples pay grade in the military

Why join if it goes against what you believe in? It's not like it's a big mystery on what happens when you sign that paper.
Why join if it goes against what you believe in? It's not like it's a big mystery on what happens when you sign that paper.

maybe the miliatary was/is their best option for employment. and you can get free training for something to do after you leave.
so who do you respect more sanders or trump?

sanders was a conscientious objector, trump used a fake medical excuse and school deferrments to get out of serving
ISIS can't afford to service these tanks. They are losing the war and are cut off from any major source of revenue. I've been saying this for quite a while now. Obama did us a great service by NOT sending major numbers of troops to recapture what has become an albatross around the neck of ISIS. They can't afford to service the tank and can't just let Iraqi army take it back. Its a resource drain they can't afford. Smart move, Obama.

Your argument works except the thousands ISIS killed by standing down. That`s not an issue with you ? It`s why they hate us so much, we let them do it waiting for them to run short.

Go tell the families of the dead Iraqis how great that move was.
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