Donald Trump

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Don`t tell Ace Yonder that.
"ace yonder" is he the dude that blasted you with friendly fire?

bro your private fantasy life should be kept personal. Here on RIU you are an incoherent, ridiculous clown who seems to have some kind of debilitating mental disease.
"ace yonder" is he the dude that blasted you with friendly fire?

bro your private fantasy life should be kept personal. Here on RIU you are an incoherent, ridiculous clown who seems to have some kind of debilitating mental disease.

No, he told me my religion was foolish cuz he couldn`t read the Bible.
"ace yonder" is he the dude that blasted you with friendly fire?

bro your private fantasy life should be kept personal. Here on RIU you are an incoherent, ridiculous clown who seems to have some kind of debilitating mental disease.

Ya, good weed tends to do that. How`s yours ?
you think jews control the banks, hollywood, the media, and who knows what else. you have that in common with the KKK grand wizard david duke.

so why do you hate jews so much? does your wife bang jews when she goes out?

They do. Not a bad thing. In fact, I wish I could be that talented.

They are starting to join ISIS now too.

But I don`t hate them, just the ISIS supporters.
you claimed that it is only what an employee said that trump said.

if you know that much, you know what trump said later on about the veracity of those quotes.

so now i know you are being a dishonest little weasel.

In 1991, Trump was accused of making racial slurs against black people in a book written by John R. O’Donnell, former president of Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino, called “Trumped!” O’Donnell wrote that Trump once said, in reference to a black accountant at Trump Plaza, “laziness is a trait in blacks.” He also told O’Donnell: “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.”

Trump called O’Donnell a disgruntled employee but he didn’t deny allegations made in the book during an interview with Playboy magazine in 1999:

“Nobody has had worse things written about them than me,” Trump says. “And here I am. The stuff O’Donnell wrote about me is probably true. The guy’s a fucking loser. A fucking loser. I brought the guy in to work for me; it turns out he didn’t know that much about what he was doing. I think I met the guy two or three times total. And this guy goes off and writes a book about me, like he knows me!”

Trump’s office has not returned several requests for comment.
buck, I read that, but read the source articles they show a lot, one is from tmz, two don't exist and the other is basically a libertarian statement on affirmative action. You got nothing. Trying to prevent people coming over the border illegally is just common sense. Stopping people from coming from third world hell holes ravaged by a thousand years of infighting, without proper vetting, is common sense. You posting nonsense about racism is silly. Trump mocked a reporter with cerebral palsy on television, why would you need to insinuate racism when the dude does shit like that? Trump is a Birther, supports eminent domain for private use, bought cement from the mob, his hypocrisy of stating China and Mexico are taking the US's manufacturing while some of his clothing line is made China and Mexico, he doesn't pay construction companies, he bankrupted casinos, and plenty of other shit I'm too high to recall and all you can do is parrot the racist line. I feel embarrassed to even engage you in conversation with you. Since Bernie is out I'm going to vote for Trump because of stupid shit people like you say.
buck, I read that, but read the source articles they show a lot, one is from tmz, two don't exist and the other is basically a libertarian statement on affirmative action. You got nothing.


so you don't think it was racist when trump said that blacks are lazy. you don't think the line about "black people counting my money" from trump was racist.

was it racist when he denied black people apartments, got sued for it, and settled rather than dispute it?

i can keep going, but let's take the obvious racism one thing at a time and watch you pathetically try to deny it.
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