Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
you sick fuck. Fathers don't look at their daughters with lust. You telling on yourself creep. If you are thinking of your daughter in a sexual way, you are a sicko fucko

Yet millions of Americans support him. Doesn't this scare you? Shouldn't you be more concerned with the fact that all those people are running loose out there? Trump is going to lose and fade away but all those people who support his ideals will still be running around in the free world. Standing next to you in line at the grocery store. How can you even feel safe?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
You make it to be she is some sort of criminal, what gives?
She is. A super criminal. She uses government power to gain wealth, influence and more power.

She accepts donations from people she gives special favors. Look up the clinton foundation.

She broke several laws setting up an unauthorised server to handle all her government business.

She defended a pedo rapist by accusing the 13 year old girl of being a slut. She knew he was guilty but she still attacked the character of the 13 year old.

She has been involved in so much dirt. So many investigations.

She lies. Alot!

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
You dont snuggle? Do you hug?
Sure, you think thats the same as talking about how big my daughter's tits are going to be? Did your dad ever say "if I wasnt your dad perhaps we'd be together"? that shits not ok imo. If I was on Howard stern I wouldn't even bring up my daughters name, thats fucking scanless. In fact,id punch a muthafucker if he talked about my daughter like that in front of me.. its whatever,I guess some people just care more.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Trump hasn't even investigated what his platform is. Have you seen some of his interviews? He hardly understands the questions hes asked. Lol . To be president imo,you at least have to be able to comprehend things.
Which interviews are you referring to?

Which questions?

ky man

Well-Known Member
TRUMP is the only and last hope THE AMERICAN PEOPLE HAVE LEFT and that's the only reason he is getting my vote,That hell bitch has sold out the AMERICAN PEOPLE every chance she has had in the past and if she gets in the white house she will sell the american people out every chance she gets just like she has did in the past.Hows that chang working out from oboma for ya? She will be just like oboma but

ky man

Well-Known Member
O and iam a reg, dem, but she will never get my vote.TRUMP has never been in office befor so I know he has never sold the American people


Well-Known Member
She is. A super criminal. She uses government power to gain wealth, influence and more power.

She accepts donations from people she gives special favors. Look up the clinton foundation.

She broke several laws setting up an unauthorised server to handle all her government business.

She defended a pedo rapist by accusing the 13 year old girl of being a slut. She knew he was guilty but she still attacked the character of the 13 year old.

She has been involved in so much dirt. So many investigations.

She lies. Alot!
do you think it was racist when your buddy and fellow trump supporter nitro harley told obama to go back to kenya?

do you think it is racist that trump thinks anyone even resembling a mexican cannot be fair towards him?

basically, why do you support a racist?

does it bother you that fdd/sheskunk agrees with you and is giving you likes?

thanks in advance for being too cowardly racist and stupid to answer. take care!


Well-Known Member
She is. A super criminal. She uses government power to gain wealth, influence and more power.

She accepts donations from people she gives special favors. Look up the clinton foundation.

She broke several laws setting up an unauthorised server to handle all her government business.

She defended a pedo rapist by accusing the 13 year old girl of being a slut. She knew he was guilty but she still attacked the character of the 13 year old.

She has been involved in so much dirt. So many investigations.

She lies. Alot!
This is breaking news. What has she been charged with?

You support a candidate who has been charged with defrauding people of millions of dollars. That doesn't bother you?


Well-Known Member
TRUMP is the only and last hope THE AMERICAN PEOPLE HAVE LEFT and that's the only reason he is getting my vote,That hell bitch has sold out the AMERICAN PEOPLE every chance she has had in the past and if she gets in the white house she will sell the american people out every chance she gets just like she has did in the past.Hows that chang working out from oboma for ya? She will be just like oboma but
umm no
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