Donald Trump

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Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
I dont recall him ever promising to self fund. He did accept donations in the primary. He cant be bought. ER: there is no amount of money someone can realistically offer him to sway his opinion or vote. Hillary has a track record of being bought, sold and rented for campaign donations.

Lets contrast him with Hillary Clinton. Do you think she cares about the poor? About the minorities? About women? ROFLMAO!!! She is one of the 1%, a lifetime politician and a proven liar time after time.

I dont get to pick the person I want for president, I have stated that many times. I just get to pick between the 2 people left standing. And we are not sure if it is going to be Hillary on the Democratic side yet.
Selective memory? Maybe this will jog your memory.



Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
I dont recall him ever promising to self fund. He did accept donations in the primary. He cant be bought. ER: there is no amount of money someone can realistically offer him to sway his opinion or vote. Hillary has a track record of being bought, sold and rented for campaign donations.

Lets contrast him with Hillary Clinton. Do you think she cares about the poor? About the minorities? About women? ROFLMAO!!! She is one of the 1%, a lifetime politician and a proven liar time after time.

I dont get to pick the person I want for president, I have stated that many times. I just get to pick between the 2 people left standing. And we are not sure if it is going to be Hillary on the Democratic side yet.
Or maybe this:



Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
I dont recall him ever promising to self fund. He did accept donations in the primary. He cant be bought. ER: there is no amount of money someone can realistically offer him to sway his opinion or vote. Hillary has a track record of being bought, sold and rented for campaign donations.

Lets contrast him with Hillary Clinton. Do you think she cares about the poor? About the minorities? About women? ROFLMAO!!! She is one of the 1%, a lifetime politician and a proven liar time after time.

I dont get to pick the person I want for president, I have stated that many times. I just get to pick between the 2 people left standing. And we are not sure if it is going to be Hillary on the Democratic side yet.
He's so full of bs that's all you ever heard him say throughout his campaign and yet it's all lies, self funding my ass.




Well-Known Member
He's so full of bs that's all you ever heard him say throughout his campaign and yet it's all lies, self funding my ass.


There was no way Trump was ever going to self fund his campaign. He didn't get rich by spending his own money; he got rich by borrowing other people's money, and then going bankrupt. The man doesn't pay his own bills - never has, never will.


Well-Known Member
I agree 110 percent With you but the troll buck will did you notice that the troll buck tries to start shit on ever post>>He loves to troll people.Thats why I will not answer his post that pisses him off even moor.LOL LOL
I have had buck on ignore for a very long time now. You wont see me respond to him. If you think not answering him works, try the ignore setting. It makes this place much more peaceful.


Well-Known Member
Selective memory? Maybe this will jog your memory.


He states he isnt getting money from super pacs and rich donors and the video admits it is mostly true. You see, that is my point. He cant be bought. I made that statement and it is like you never heard it.

You are seriously pissed off that a rich guy isnt spending his own money. That is envy, pure and simple. Check yourself.

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
He states he isnt getting money from super pacs and rich donors and the video admits it is mostly true. You see, that is my point. He cant be bought. I made that statement and it is like you never heard it.

You are seriously pissed off that a rich guy isnt spending his own money. That is envy, pure and simple. Check yourself.
You stated that he never said he was self funding, period. I show you proof that he did say that and a fake and that will start taking money from big donors, shit he is set to take money from Sheldon Addison and has created 3 super pacs but who cares right? He suckered all those small minded people who believed his bs line. And will continue to do so.

I've always said I give less than a fuck that he's rich I'm not going to be suckered into believing he cares about the poor he only gives a fuck about himself.



Well-Known Member
I have had buck on ignore for a very long time now. You wont see me respond to him. If you think not answering him works, try the ignore setting. It makes this place much more peaceful.
Translation: @UncleBuck completely and totally owns me. I can't take the fact that he continuously hands me my arse in every conversation. I refuse to be made a laughing stock by him, so ignore his greatness.


Well-Known Member
You stated that he never said he was self funding, period. I show you proof that he did say that and a fake and that will start taking money from big donors, shit he is set to take money from Sheldon Addison and has created 3 super pacs but who cares right? He suckered all those small minded people who believed his bs line. And will continue to do so.

I've always said I give less than a fuck that he's rich I'm not going to be suckered into believing he cares about the poor he only gives a fuck about himself.

And Hillary cares about the poor.... LOL!!!

Are you hoping for change or 8 more years of Obama?


Well-Known Member
We're not talking Hillary here we're talking about the dumpster. He's a phony and you and others like you fell for his bs. Hahaha.

He said they were self funding and they were self funding. I never expected him to self fund a billion dollar campaign against Hillary. They are going to change from self-funding to not self-funding.

Hillary is a proven liar time and again. We are talking about the difference between two candidates. You discard one you claim is a liar for one we know is a liar and you consider it an intelligent choice. Opinions vary.

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
He said they were self funding and they were self funding. I never expected him to self fund a billion dollar campaign against Hillary. They are going to change from self-funding to not self-funding.

Hillary is a proven liar time and again. We are talking about the difference between two candidates. You discard one you claim is a liar for one we know is a liar and you consider it an intelligent choice. Opinions vary.
We know Hillary lies, she's a freaking lawyer that's what they do.

The dumpster would always ask "would I lie to you", hell yes every freaking time he says something.



Well-Known Member
We know Hillary lies, she's a freaking lawyer that's what they do.

The dumpster would always ask "would I lie to you", hell yes every freaking time he says something.

What exactly is the horrible thing or things you think Trump would do if he became president?


Well-Known Member
I have had buck on ignore for a very long time now. You wont see me respond to him. If you think not answering him works, try the ignore setting. It makes this place much more peaceful.
i'm gonna let you respond to you for the LOLZ.

You are completely wrapped up in your ideology and the blinders keep you very happy and unchallenged.

Good for you...
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