Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
It doesn't matter who the Republican nominee is, Democrats will do everything they can to portray that person to be a sexist bigot. No matter what. It's already in part with the Hillary platform stradegy. And it's already back firing on her because she has always been known to attack female sexual assault victims. If and when women are raped, Hillary throws the hammer down on victims until they shut up and go away.


Trump has more female executives than male. In many cases women make more money too.


Well-Known Member
So if Obama made the stock market surge to record levels, does this mean he makes it fall too?

Remember a couple years ago I said it was in a massive bubble and noone would believe me?


The stock market is really " how much faith do investors ( foreign and domestic) have in the country.


Well-Known Member
Right after Obama lifts sanctions on Iran, Middle East stock markets crash as Tehran enters oil market. Obama has also signed off to John Kerry on handing over 100 billion to the Mullahs, so they can shop around for a nuclear warhead to take out Isreal. If there is one guy Obama hates, it's that damn Jew Benjamin Netanyahu


Well-Known Member
Coming from douch nugget that knows nothing about me. Good job tool. Your winning this battle of wits.

Lol now that was funny.

Looks schooled to me.

It kinda sucks i had to work so much overtime today. Really missed out on this one. But looks like everyone else finished this one off.
Yes, they really could have used someone else to not explain why an individual whose title is "senior lecturer" not "professor", actually is a professor, despite needing to be "thought of" or "considered" a professor. All this despite the fact we weren't arguing over whether they are considered or thought of being professors, but rather if they get to use the title, which they don't. As evidenced by the use of the title "senior lecturer".

Yup, one more liberal nitwit would have turned the defeat into victory.


Well-Known Member
"So, you're going to double down on stupid and go on record saying that garage is absolutely not a synonym for service station AND service department."

since you are retarded, i'll explain it again using your words. if garage is syn for service station and garage is syn for service dept, then by the transitiive property service station is syn for service dept. FAIL!
Ok, so we have a new leader for the most ignorant post in RIU history.

I'll explain something you obviously don't understand. Your statement is completely false. Transitive property is not an absolute, especially regarding synonyms. I can list THOUSANDS of examples that show how stupidly your statement resounds.

First one I tried:

Chariot is synonymous with both bicycle and car, yet bicycle is not synonymous with car.

Want a few thousand more, simpleton?


Well-Known Member
Right after Obama lifts sanctions on Iran, Middle East stock markets crash as Tehran enters oil market. Obama has also signed off to John Kerry on handing over 100 billion to the Mullahs, so they can shop around for a nuclear warhead to take out Isreal. If there is one guy Obama hates, it's that damn Jew Benjamin Netanyahu
Such dogshit...


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
My neighbor says he only hires white people because he wants his customers to feel like they can ask for help without being racist. Also, people don't report bad employees if they happen to be a minority. He says people don't want to be called a bigot and accused of profiling.


Well-Known Member
Chariot is synonymous with both bicycle and car, yet bicycle is not synonymous with car.

[char-ee-uh t]

a light, two-wheeled vehicle for one person, usually drawn by two horses and driven from a standing position, used in ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, etc., in warfare, racing, hunting, etc.

on what planet do you think that a chariot is the same or very similar to a bike?

and service dept is not synonymous with service station.
service station
Also called gas station. a place equipped for servicing automobiles, as by selling gasoline and oil, making repairs, etc.

please name one car dealer's service dept that sells gasoline.


Well-Known Member

[char-ee-uh t]

a light, two-wheeled vehicle for one person, usually drawn by two horses and driven from a standing position, used in ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, etc., in warfare, racing, hunting, etc.

on what planet do you think that a chariot is the same or very similar to a bike?

and service dept is not synonymous with service station.
service station
Also called gas station. a place equipped for servicing automobiles, as by selling gasoline and oil, making repairs, etc.

please name one car dealer's service dept that sells gasoline.
Hey genius, why don't you try typing chariot into and see if both "bicycle" and "car" are listed. Do you ever get tired of being completely wrong?

As to service department and service station being synonymous, I'm the one saying they AREN'T synonymous. Put down the bong for a second and read my last post where I clearly stated they aren't synonymous and don't need to be for them to both be synonymous with a third word. Your transitive property theory was blown up.

You don't like chariot, took me ten seconds to find another.

Paint is synonymous with enamel and makeup, but enamel is not synonymous with makeup. Like I said, would you like a few thousand examples that prove your transitive property argument wrong?

You should just stop now, it's getting embarrassing for you.


Well-Known Member
As to service department and service station being synonymous, I'm the one saying they AREN'T synonymous. Put down the bong for a second and read my last post where I clearly stated they aren't synonymous and don't need to be for them to both be synonymous with a third word. Your transitive property theory was blown up.
When did you change up your argument?

That's right and we know that garage is SYNONYMOUS with service department. I live in the Ford dealership that I own and operate.

I stopped paying attention to your petulant posts.


Well-Known Member
Indeed. That is me.
When did you change up your argument?

I stopped paying attention to your petulant posts.
First, no you didn't, you've responded to every one of them.

As to the other, I stated from the beginning that garage was synonymous with "service department". You or the other yahoo stated it wasn't and it was ONLY synonymous with "service station". You (not I) then doubled down on stupidity and incorrectly stated if garage was synonymous with "service department" and garage was synonymous with "service station", then for the former to be true, by transitive property "service department" MUST be synonymous with "service station". Which is false, on every level. Garage IS synonymous with service department and service department does not have to be synonymous with service station for that to be true.

As stated, game, set and match. Thanks for taking the time to display your ignorance and then feign disinterest and exude unearned condescension. Standard tactic of a liberal losing an argument.


Well-Known Member
The race is over. Donald Trump just got Sarah Palins endorsement, everyone elses poll numbers will instantly crater and there will be a mass suspension of campaigns.


Well-Known Member
Seems like you surround yourself with ignorance.
People move in. People move out. I can't control who lives around me, nor do I want to. This isn't the Soviet Union.
Maybe you should get back to work, but instead of doing your job, you should continue to scour through countless e-mails and interpret everything you hear as racist. Because you know the day you file suit against your employer for racism, is the day you get a big paycheck.
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