Donald Trump

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Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
The perception that religious people are blind sheep is false.

Religious people will question their church, faith, practices and so on. They do this within all religion.

Individuals have a personal interpretation of their faith and explore it with questions.

Sure there are dumb sheep in religion but you also see that in politics, school, sports..


Well-Known Member
While it's fair to say that most conservatives use faith as a guiding principle, most try to keep it out of political discourse, recognizing it as something intensely personal. Conservatives often will say that the Constitution guarantees its citizens freedom of religion, not freedom from religion.

In fact, there is plenty of historic evidence that proves, despite Thomas Jefferson's famous quote about "a wall of separation between church and state," the Founding Fathers expected religion and religious groups to play an important role in the development of the nation.

The religion clauses of the First Amendment guarantee the free exercise of religion, while at the same time protecting the nation's citizens from religious oppression. The religion clauses also ensure that the federal government cannot be overtaken by one particular religious group because Congress cannot legislate one way or another on an "establishment" of religion. This precludes a national religion but also prevents the government from interfering with religions of any kind.

For contemporary conservatives, the rule of thumb is that practicing faith publicly is reasonable, but proselytizing in public is not.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
In 1593, the English parliament outlawed independent congregations. Attendance of English (Anglican) church services was made obligatory.
exactly what i said. they wanted separation of church and state.
That doesn't make them athiests. Read more.

Separation of church and state does not mean statesmen can not be religious. It means the state can not tell you which or how to practice religion.


Well-Known Member
That doesn't make them athiests. Read more.

Separation of church and state does not mean statesmen can not be religious. It means the state can not tell you which or how to practice religion.
i said alot were atheist and agnostics. pretty much everybody that wasn't following the official religion of England wanted out.


Well-Known Member
While it's fair to say that most conservatives use faith as a guiding principle, most try to keep it out of political discourse, recognizing it as something intensely personal. Conservatives often will say that the Constitution guarantees its citizens freedom of religion, not freedom from religion.

In fact, there is plenty of historic evidence that proves, despite Thomas Jefferson's famous quote about "a wall of separation between church and state," the Founding Fathers expected religion and religious groups to play an important role in the development of the nation.

The religion clauses of the First Amendment guarantee the free exercise of religion, while at the same time protecting the nation's citizens from religious oppression. The religion clauses also ensure that the federal government cannot be overtaken by one particular religious group because Congress cannot legislate one way or another on an "establishment" of religion. This precludes a national religion but also prevents the government from interfering with religions of any kind.

For contemporary conservatives, the rule of thumb is that practicing faith publicly is reasonable, but proselytizing in public is not.
oh please.
Bush 43 ran the nation on his religious believes, whilst god was talking to him


Well-Known Member
Well fuck me, FIVE whole examples? Well, that proves ALL Conservatives MUST be christians.

Your last sentence speaks volumes.
more example than you would ever show Mr. NoLink
Everyone of my examples have one common desire. To become POTUS.
kinda SCaRy
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