Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
I condemn all people like pwnmystery who are now lapsed catholics due to the bad choices they have made.
That's just bigotry. And that means you're pro child rape because the way the Catholic Church handled it is a reason why I'm lapse amongst a myriad of different issues. GG.

So everyone just to be clear: Not GOP is for child rape as long as white Christian males are doing it.


Well-Known Member
That's just bigotry. And that means you're pro child rape because the way the Catholic Church handled it is a reason why I'm lapse amongst a myriad of different issues. GG.

So everyone just to be clear: Not GOP is for child rape as long as white Christian males are doing it.
Your ability to connect the dots is like listening to a dyslexic give out driving directions. You are more of a Catholic than I will ever be


Well-Known Member
Your ability to connect the dots is like listening to a dyslexic give out driving directions. You are more of a Catholic than I will ever be
This is rich coming from someone who can't even begin to connect dots logically. You said you condemn people who've become lapse Catholics for the "bad decisions" I've made. I became a lapse Catholic because of how they dealt with pedophilia so logically it follows that was a bad choice in your eyes.

So once again: Not GOP is defending rape in the Catholic Church.


Well-Known Member
Trump supporter charged in plot to bomb Muslims: ‘I’ll follow this MAN to the end of the world’

"A Donald Trump supporter was arrested after police detonated an explosive device they believe he planned to use against Muslims.

Police received a tip Thursday that 55-year-old William Celli, of Richmond, California, was making explosive devices and threatening to harm Muslims, reported KPIX-TV.

Officers evacuated his neighborhood Sunday morning and detonated a suspicious device found in Celli’s home.

Police have not yet determined if the homemade device was inert or active, but they said the reported threats greatly concerned law enforcement officers.

Celli posts frequently on his Facebook account, where he complains about Syrian refugees, Democrats and insufficiently conservative Republicans.

He appears to be a strong admirer of GOP frontrunner Donald Trump — who has been fanning the flames of anti-Muslim hysteria in the wake of mass shootings in Paris and San Bernardino, California.

“Donald trumps on again I’m happy leaders okay but this guys a great point man I’ll follow this MAN to the end of the world,” Celli posted Oct. 21.

“Donald Trump’s on again I’m feeling good about myself,” he posted Oct. 28.

The self-employed plumber complained last year that he had lost work to undocumented migrants — who he believes have “invaded” the U.S. and to draw welfare benefits.

“I have lost 30%of my business to to Hispanics coming to my country under false pretenses an and freeload in construction or in the blue collar sector they need to go back home lets not talk about the welfare they suck dry,” he posted in June 2014.

Celli posted more recently that he had more free time than usual, and he frequently complained that he had not been sleeping well.

Two brothers from Boston echoed Trump’s comments against Hispanic immigrants after they were arrested for beating and urinating on a Latino homeless man in August — and the candidate at first defended them.

“I will say that people who are following me are very passionate,” Trump said. “They love this country and they want this country to be great again. They are passionate.”

Trump later described the attack as “terrible.”"


Well-Known Member
Trump supporter charged in plot to bomb Muslims: ‘I’ll follow this MAN to the end of the world’

"A Donald Trump supporter was arrested after police detonated an explosive device they believe he planned to use against Muslims.

Police received a tip Thursday that 55-year-old William Celli, of Richmond, California, was making explosive devices and threatening to harm Muslims, reported KPIX-TV.

Officers evacuated his neighborhood Sunday morning and detonated a suspicious device found in Celli’s home.

Police have not yet determined if the homemade device was inert or active, but they said the reported threats greatly concerned law enforcement officers.

Celli posts frequently on his Facebook account, where he complains about Syrian refugees, Democrats and insufficiently conservative Republicans.

He appears to be a strong admirer of GOP frontrunner Donald Trump — who has been fanning the flames of anti-Muslim hysteria in the wake of mass shootings in Paris and San Bernardino, California.

“Donald trumps on again I’m happy leaders okay but this guys a great point man I’ll follow this MAN to the end of the world,” Celli posted Oct. 21.

“Donald Trump’s on again I’m feeling good about myself,” he posted Oct. 28.

The self-employed plumber complained last year that he had lost work to undocumented migrants — who he believes have “invaded” the U.S. and to draw welfare benefits.

“I have lost 30%of my business to to Hispanics coming to my country under false pretenses an and freeload in construction or in the blue collar sector they need to go back home lets not talk about the welfare they suck dry,” he posted in June 2014.

Celli posted more recently that he had more free time than usual, and he frequently complained that he had not been sleeping well.

Two brothers from Boston echoed Trump’s comments against Hispanic immigrants after they were arrested for beating and urinating on a Latino homeless man in August — and the candidate at first defended them.

“I will say that people who are following me are very passionate,” Trump said. “They love this country and they want this country to be great again. They are passionate.”

Trump later described the attack as “terrible.”"
kinda confirms what we all know. Trump's supporters are all followers, not leaders and incapable of independent thought. 2 knuckledraggers on this very post come to my mind immediately.


Well-Known Member
He should be brought up on domestic terrorism charges.

Then you are gonna have to charge half the Country too. Nothing more entertaining than Hillary on the defense.

But you stick with that prepped and paid for candidacy you are defending now. Look at what has become of this country because nobody ever broke rank.


Well-Known Member
Then you are gonna have to charge half the Country too. Nothing more entertaining than Hillary on the defense.

But you stick with that prepped and paid for candidacy you are defending now. Look at what has become of this country because nobody ever broke rank.
The dude was arrested with explosives that he planned on using on a mosque. Please explain to me how this isn't domestic terrorism because if someone lets say a Muslim was caught with explosives planning to blow up a church I'm sure you'd be calling for a summary execution.


Well-Known Member
The dude was arrested with explosives that he planned on using on a mosque. Please explain to me how this isn't domestic terrorism because if someone lets say a Muslim was caught with explosives planning to blow up a church I'm sure you'd be calling for a summary execution.

Wow did I fuck that up or what ? I somehow got caught up thinking that your post was about what Trump said about Muslims and missed the mosque reference.

Sorry bout that.
That dude should be shot for two reasons, his crime and his allegiance to Hillary. No way would a Trump supporter put Trump on that spot.


Well-Known Member
Wow did I fuck that up or what ? I somehow got caught up thinking that your post was about what Trump said about Muslims and missed the mosque reference.

Sorry bout that.
That dude should be shot for two reasons, his crime and his allegiance to Hillary. No way would a Trump supporter put Trump on that spot.
LOL so people should be shot for supporting Hillary Clinton? That doesn't make what you said any better at all. Unfortunately for you he's a die hard Trump supporter.


Well-Known Member
Religion is BS you know. God does not exist. There is no God. Get over it. Church is a organization to control weak minds.

Thinking that we evolved from something yet to be identified that exploded and gazillion years ago at thermonuclear temperatures,...well, weak mind is always preferred over stupid mind.


Well-Known Member
LOL so people should be shot for supporting Hillary Clinton? That doesn't make what you said any better at all. Unfortunately for you he's a die hard Trump supporter.
You`re right, that`s too quick,...starve them to death. Hillary Clinton is the last person on Earth to have in charge of our Country. I`d rather have you.
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