Donald Trump Private Citizen

Shit. Will opt out will become standard fare for political donations in the near future? No matter the party?

i've seen those before on other candidates BUT they weren't checked..the grifters had another idea..'hey what if we auto-check the boxes'..?
Not just uncheck the boxes. But create the "money bomb" by switching monthly auto withdraws to weekly. What Hubris lol
How much investigating do they have to do? They must be working their way through a large pile, because I don't think Trump was very sophisticated about hiding things or reluctant to break the law. I guess they wanna make sure there's absolutely no way out of a conviction and when they do the fucker they will do him for life. I have a feeling there might be many more people involved in Trump's crimes and only a few will be able to cut a squeal deal. Everybody is focused on Donald, but there may be many more indictments involved for others and perhaps a conspiracy case too.

If they break his bean counter the weasel, Trump is fucked, Weisselberg knows where all the bodies are buried and if he cuts a deal he has to tell them about all other crimes he knows about. Weisselberg's biggest problem will be the sheer volume of crime and trying to remember it all. They already have his mouth piece Cohen voluntarily cooperating and if they get his bean counter, the Teflon Don will be fucked.

I don't think any Trump fans will be storming the courthouse in NYC, they'd have to make it through the much larger crowd of New Yorkers who want his ass, it would be a riot!
The Massive Probe That Could Land Trump in Jail Hired an Ex-Mueller Investigator | Vanity Fair


Morgan Magionos is a certified fraud examiner who discovered Paul Manafort’s $15,000 ostrich skin jacket. Now she’s helping Cyrus Vance look into the former president.

The fraud investigator who helped bring down former Trump aide Paul Manafort is back on the case—this time focusing on the ex-president himself. According to CNN, Morgan Magionos, a former FBI agent and member of Robert Mueller’s team, is working on Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance’s sweeping probe into Donald Trump’s business interests.

Vance reportedly brought Magionos on last year, as part of an accounting team from FTI Consulting. She spent nearly a decade working for the FBI as a member of its international corruption squad and is a certified fraud examiner and an accountant. Her investigation into Manafort led to multiple charges against the former Trump aide, including for bank and tax fraud, and she served as a “star witness” in his 2018 trial. Among her more notable achievements: uncovering Manafort’s $15,000 ostrich skin jacket, which became a symbol of his over-the-top lifestyle—one funded by his shady work for various foreign governments.

Magionos is one of several recent high-profile additions to the Manhattan district attorney’s team, including the mob-busting prosecutor Mark Pomerantz, who’s noted for bringing down the head of the notorious Gambino crime family in the 1990s. The investigation into the Trump Organization seems to be accelerating; on Thursday, investigators from Vance’s office seized financial records from the apartment of Jennifer Weisselberg, the ex-daughter-in-law of former Trump Organization Chief Financial Officer Allen Weisselberg. “It was my distinct impression that things are heating up and that this investigation is of intense focus for prosecutors at the DA’s office,” Jennifer Weisselberg’s lawyer told Insider earlier this week

As my colleague Bess Levin noted Thursday, that is probably unwelcome news for the former president, who recently hired Ronald Fischetti—a former law partner of Pomerantz’s—as a defense attorney. “There’s a lot of work to do here. I’m really happy to be on board,” he told CNN,, acknowledging that things are likely to intensify in the near future. “It’s going to heat up. They didn’t bring me in just to do subpoenas.”
When Joe's sanctions and other measures start to bite, Vlad will be squeezing Donald nuts to get him to make the republicans continue to back Russia. It won't have too much of an effect with Donald staring down life in prison soon Vlad will lose his leverage. I wonder if they have Trump wired for sound? There is plenty of evidence for the FBI to get a warrant and they should have him wired up by now like a previous Teflon Don that Rudy put away. Mic up the lazy fucks golf cart and you should get some goodies on tape, he doesn't stray too far from it on the course.

"Why did your campaign manager hand the Russian military the data on American citizens that you received from the RNC?"

How hard of a question is that to ask the orange crook?

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Can you imagine all of those chicklet teeth laying on the floor after an inmate pounds his face in ?

Don jr. : “ Hey guys ... my dadddd “ POW !

( Teef go a flyin ) :mrgreen:

Inmate “ Big Dog “ : STFU ! .... You gonna be my cell bitch “ conchita cornhole “ ... “ you like that bitch ... huh ? “ .... “ thats right punk take the balls too “ ....

“ You and that punk bitch “ matilda “ ( matt gaetz ) gonna be all our pussy bitches ! “

Don jr. : *tears run down his swollen face
“ Im gonna call my dad .. “ ( laughter erupts )
( Big Dog leans in and grabs his oil slick hair )

Big Dog : “ We’re waiting on that fluffy orange ass too ! “

( Don jr. Screams go unnoticed as a my pillow is shoved in his mouth...... )