Donald Trump Private Citizen


Well-Known Member
You haven't seen desperate and stupid freaking out yet, wait till Jack indicts him! Right now he is self destructing in public, so let him freak and sell bullshit "cards" for a spell, he often confesses and provides evidence when he does interviews and hold's rallies. He is whittling himself self down to a manageable size the longer he is waiting to be indicted and the more damage he does to the republicans in the meantime.
i can see it now, the mushroom cloud over Mar Lard Ass's place.....the best picture would be when the FBI puts the bracelets on him and leads him out to the car crying....and the first thing Jack does, slaps the 14th amendment on his fat ass


Well-Known Member
no, this seems like more than a grift...i think that it is a money laundering scam...the chinese-saudis-russians give him dirty cash, he gives them NFTS and 75% of their cash back...or something along those lines, i'm neither an accountant or an embezzler, but this sure seems shady as shit to me.
who owns the company that makes the NFTs? i read that it isn't trump owned, but they didn't say who did own it.
Anyone can issue NFT's. You just have to pay a fee on the blockchain that you issue it on.


Well-Known Member
i can see it now, the mushroom cloud over Mar Lard Ass's place.....the best picture would be when the FBI puts the bracelets on him and leads him out to the car crying....and the first thing Jack does, slaps the 14th amendment on his fat ass
They will call his lawyer and he either turns himself in, in DC, or they come and get him and purp walk him in his underwear to the judge. for a plea hearing. Here's the thing though when he gets in front of a DC judge for a plea, they judge owns his ass until trial and might not grant him conditional release or bail. Others indicted for similar crimes are often held upon indictment until trial and Jack will throw everything he said and threatened in his lawyer's face when he tries to get Donald sprung upon pleading. There is a very strong case and precident for holding him in the DC jail and telling the SS to make the best arrangements they can with the US Marshals to get an unlocked cell next door to his.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
A line of Christmas cards for the magats in your life, tell them it's a $99 value! Lot's of people know or are related to magats and they would love to send such a christmas greeting to them, make it say "Happy Holidays" though, not Merry Christmas, that should get and extra rise outta them! :lol:
fuck that, go full blown "happy Kwanzaa!", see how many have a stroke right at the mail box


Well-Known Member

Michael Cohen Thinks ‘Grifter In Chief’ Donald Trump Will Be Indicted | The Katie Phang Show

1,456 views Dec 16, 2022 #msnbc #michaelcohen #trump
Amid Donald Trump’s various legal battles, this week he declared he would have a major announcement: he decided to sell NFTs. Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen joins Katie Phang to discuss.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
i would have went with Captain Chlorine, but the one terminator is good.
i like the Nietzche one, but i still wouldn't call trump any kind of superman....i'm not even sure about amoral, i believe amoral implies that he admits that what he did was wrong and just doesn't care...while immoral implies that he knows the difference, but just does it anyway, with no admission that he did anything wrong. semantics, i know, but call a turd a trump.


Ursus marijanus
i would have went with Captain Chlorine, but the one terminator is good.
i like the Nietzche one, but i still wouldn't call trump any kind of superman....i'm not even sure about amoral, i believe amoral implies that he admits that what he did was wrong and just doesn't care...while immoral implies that he knows the difference, but just does it anyway, with no admission that he did anything wrong. semantics, i know, but call a turd a trump.
the simple fact that he portrays himself as a superman is pathology of unusual size. Deep down I think he is amoral; it’s all transactional in his mind.