Domes... Just Say NO!!


Well-Known Member
Your right about it being a whole other monster. It's just funny to think if the two only being a stones throw apart. :) Have you noticed a sweet spot with the temperature of your rooting solution in your bubble cloner? I'd like to make one. I'm really a big believer in heating pads. I just clone in perlite and Dixie cup with a rooting solution. It's amazing the difference between having the cups heated compared to not. I have to admit the domes are nice for getting the tempature up.
Hadn't used it in about 3 years. I just use pro mix in a 2"pot cheap rooting powder and a dome. Just put it in a 78ish degree space easy no bullshit roots with little to no effort and it works every time. I don't think the Cloner is with the trouble


Active Member
I use Coke Classic. Not that gay Pepsi tasting Coke either. Stuff a branch in the can through the hole (top first of course) and there will be roots growing out the cut end/top by morning.


Well-Known Member
Do I need a dome?
Well, let me ask you, what does the consensus of this thread suggest as the answer?

I only added that I used one with complete success, so all I am arguing for is that
they do not harm cloning. (I cannot say without testing that it was the dome that
lead to my success).

Good luck,



Well-Known Member
nope just set it out on the table and if their are any hard chunks or rocks put a bill over it then crush that shit up with a soup can, after that scrape it into lines I used to like nice thick lines so you get those huge drips in the back of your throught. get some friends together then you can play parcheesey and gamble with with lines... like I see your line and raise you one fat gager. after all is said and done you will go throuh a point toard the we hrs of the morning where your armes will go numb and your chest will start to hurt, at that point just sit up strieght breathe deaply and grab on to something as tight as you can. It shouldn't be long before thaat mellows out and yo can stat partyin again, just be sure to drink several steel reserve or 40s of hurricane work pretty well too. good luck hope it works out for you, but I think this is in the wrong forum
thanks for the help, going to try coke and see how it goes