DoJ Official Fired For Calling Waterboarding Torture


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry but if you can get info that will keep crazies from flying planes into biuldings by making them feel like they are being drowned without really drowning them. So be it. And I am sorry but that little BW video shows us nothing. It does not even prove that it is BW. Dont believe everything you see and read.
It's already been proven that you can't get reliable info with torutre ... and if you believe you can ... you're stupid ... how the hell do you know they are "crazies" being waterboarded ... because your cowardly heros told you so? ... from your statement it's obvious that you prefer to believe the MSM propaganda over indy sources who are not beholding to big buisness ... when more than one source is reporting on the murders committed by BW then if it quack like a duck ... it is one. Those were three of tons of reports on the outfit ... go pick your own.:-|


New Member
It's already been proven that you can't get reliable info with torutre ... and if you believe you can ... you're stupid ... how the hell do you know they are "crazies" being waterboarded ... because your cowardly heros told you so? ... from your statement it's obvious that you prefer to believe the MSM propaganda over indy sources who are not beholding to big buisness ... when more than one source is reporting on the murders committed by BW then if it quack like a duck ... it is one. Those were three of tons of reports on the outfit ... go pick your own.:-|
Who's "BW" and again, what was that video supposed to prove?



New Member
Grow rebel stop being a pussy and grow a set. You're the coward. I'd like to water board you. That video shows nothing and proves nothing. For all we know that could be any one in that car. Even Islamic radicals. It could even maybe be your mother driving that car. Who the F**ck knows cuz you cant see sh*t. Oh and for torture not working. How about when waterbording broke Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and he gave up numerous plots against the U.S.


New Member
One other thing Growrebel. Why are you even on this site. YOu have nothing to offer but your political views. Why don't you go to some I hate America sight and post there. Cuz you suck, and I am sure people are sick of listening to you rant an rave like a little child.


Nothing Has Changed

Active Member
Upon reflection, I have decided that the only way that I could possibly perceive waterboarding as torture would be if I were to use a “Politically Correct” prism thru which I then may possibly view waterboarding to be torture.
However, when historical perspective and context is used to view the practice of waterboarding, it is hard to see how it could, in any way, be construed as torture in the traditional sense.
Waterboarding does not kill people; therefore it fails Dashiel Hammetts’(and many others) designation of torture.

Clekstro, your characterization of Vi and me is also historically misinformed, and I humbly disagree.
Who wants to intentionally “kill peasants” as you fallaciously claim?
--- “believe in killing third wirld peasants for American pride” (excerpt from post)

May I find it hilarious that you tried to pass off a novelist as an authority on the issue of torture? Honestly, at what point in your pathetic argument did you decide to use Hammett as an authority on human rights? Should we expect to see Grisham or Wolfe in the near future? Hold on, Danielle Steele has decided female cirumcision isn't inhumane afterall. If I may say, you're a fucking moron. I mean that in the nicest way possible, of course.


New Member
If I may say, you're a fucking moron. I mean that in the nicest way possible, of course.

~lol~ Its so nice to see genuine compliments in this forum.



New Member
One other thing Growrebel. Why are you even on this site. YOu have nothing to offer but your political views. Why don't you go to some I hate America sight and post there. Cuz you suck, and I am sure people are sick of listening to you rant an rave like a little child.
Uh, this a political site where your political views are supposed to be expressed and not be impinged by retards, but thanks for asking~LOL~.


New Member
Uh, this a political site where your political views are supposed to be expressed and not be impinged by retards, but thanks for asking~LOL~.
Yeah okay smarty pants. The whole point of this sight is to actually impinge on one anothers views and try to work together to come up with the best possible methods. And when I said political I meant the talk of civil government. YOu know and I know the word political has much ambiguity. So stop trying to be a smart ass.


Well-Known Member
Grow rebel stop being a pussy and grow a set. You're the coward. I'd like to water board you. That video shows nothing and proves nothing. For all we know that could be any one in that car. Even Islamic radicals. It could even maybe be your mother driving that car. Who the F**ck knows cuz you cant see sh*t. Oh and for torture not working. How about when waterbording broke Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and he gave up numerous plots against the U.S.
Ah ... another bushie dumbass ... I just love it ... look how stupid they are folks ... most intelligent and even dumb people know torture doesn't work.

I'm the coward? If you're so brave why aren't you over their fighting? Hummm? I'm sure you'd love to waterboard me ... most cowards do enjoy things like that. Just like your coward psychotic leader.

Mohammed! Bawww ha ha ha ... he confessed to everything in the book! It was a joke! Numerous plots against the US eh? .... yeah if fauxnews or your fearless leader tells you that's what happen then by gum you won't question it ... like a good bushie should ... god what would you do without your fear?

One other thing Growrebel. Why are you even on this site. YOu have nothing to offer but your political views. Why don't you go to some I hate America sight and post there. Cuz you suck, and I am sure people are sick of listening to you rant an rave like a little child.
Oh and one other thing oneyearorange ... this is a political section of the forum ... if you can't take the heat ...then get out of the fucking kitchen. Oh and were did I say I hated America?

That's another bushie trait folks ... they love to make shit up to fit the fantasies in their bushies brains.

Oh jee you think I suck ... I'm so sad and forelong now ... :roll:

If people are sick of listening to my rants ... then people need to stop reading my posts ... get me bushie?:-|


Well-Known Member
If I may say, you're a fucking moron. I mean that in the nicest way possible, of course.
Yup, it appears that name calling is your greatest intellectual achievement!
If you even bothered to read the article I posted , you would be aware of the fact that Hammetts name was referenced in the article....
You comment on something you have not read....and bingo, I am the moron.


New Member
Yeah okay smarty pants. The whole point of this sight is to actually impinge on one anothers views and try to work together to come up with the best possible methods. And when I said political I meant the talk of civil government. YOu know and I know the word political has much ambiguity. So stop trying to be a smart ass.
Actually, mr. hole, views expressed on this site are supposed to be addressed as intelectually as possible. f you have no intellect, then I guess you can impinge away.


Well-Known Member
Yup, it appears that name calling is your greatest intellectual achievement!
If you even bothered to read the article I posted , you would be aware of the fact that Hammetts name was referenced in the article....
You comment on something you have not read....and bingo, I am the moron.
kind of like the scene in "No End In Sight" where Bush goes off on the estimations of his military planners in post-war Iraq and calls them guesses. He hadn't read the article, either, even after they had labored to squeeze it into one page. Don't tell me you've really got a problem with incompetence, per se. Only if it disagrees with the belligerent conservatism you prescribe to.


Well-Known Member
The point that I find myself repeating is that the word torture has specific meaning in an historical context. IMO it is being misapplied in describing water boarding. It is political sensationalism. Hyperbole.

The movie “No End in Sight", may indeed prove to have a woefully inaccurate title in lieu of recent developments regarding (dare I say?) the newly enhanced possibility of achieving victory.:joint:

WILL ANY OF the Democratic candidates be able to summon the courage to concede an American victory in Iraq?
Coping with Victory


New Member
The point that I find myself repeating is that the word torture has specific meaning in an historical context. IMO it is being misapplied in describing water boarding. It is political sensationalism. Hyperbole.

The movie “No End in Sight", may indeed prove to have a woefully inaccurate title in lieu of recent developments regarding (dare I say?) the newly enhanced possibility of achieving victory.:joint:

WILL ANY OF the Democratic candidates be able to summon the courage to concede an American victory in Iraq?
Coping with Victory

Anyone that thinks waterboarding is not torture needs to be waterboarded. It is torture in the most horrific way. You think you are going to drown and just before you pass out they pull you out of it and let you rest for a minute while they ask you the questions, then back they go to almost drowning you. they have in fact killed a few by going too far. Torture is so passe, they will tell you what you want to hear, whether it is true or not.

There is no victory in Iraq. Tell me what we have won. 600,000 dead Iraqis, 4,000++ dead Americans, when does the winning start. Iraq was and is the biggest disaster in American foriegn policy ever, please explain the winning, the prize, is it the oil? If so then this war really was blood for oil. The winners are: Haliburton- Brown and Root, General Dynamics, Blackwater, all the war contractors and all the war profiteers plus the oil companies that now peddle 100.00+ dollar a barrel oil


Well-Known Member
Your argument, Wavels, that this isn't "torture" rests on the premise that something must be as painful/gruesome as the "torture" techniques used in the Inquisition, as the word orginally described these practices:

"Historically, "torture" points to the torture of the Middle Ages. Therefore, waterboarding is not torture."

The question that you are avoiding is that international laws against torture are worded to protect against physical and mental harm. No power is justified in applying physically or mentally painful techniques in order to coerce a confession or other information. Period. And it's also US law as we are required to respect our treaty obligations.

Therefore, if waterboarding is used for this purpose, it is torture.