Doing my cure right?


Well-Known Member
ok i hung my flowers out to dry 4 to 5 days till the felt crispy on the outside and spongy on the inside. then i moved them to a brown paper bag for a few days. then i put them in a mason jar and burped them a few times a day but now the outside is slightly moist is this normal? is that whats suppose to happen to bring the moisture to the whole bud again and finish drying evenly in the jar? they have been in there for about a week and are starting to get that smell which there was none prior to putting them in there. any help would be great ive read alot but am still nervous never did a cure before.
you are doing everything just right, carry on as you have been, keep burping them all the time
the bud will go from crispy to spoungy continuously while its in the jars, and while being burped
i keep mine in the spongy state long term in the jars that way it stays fresh longer i dont like it being crispy in the jars

i get out a few buds from the jars and leave them out in the air at room temp they will go from spongy to crispy and crumble perfectly in an hour or two

there is no exact right way of doing it, you will find just the way you like doing it with practice



Active Member
so after a week or ten days of being in the jar now my buds are moist all over, and are getting that sweet smell, should i keep burping them daily and will they get dry over the next week or so i that the point of burping them?

brewing up

Well-Known Member
if the buds get moist in the jar you should take them out straight away and let them dry out again, the moisture in the jars and buds can cause mold


Well-Known Member
Yuppers your doin it right, now let them dry, then back in the jar

agreed with brewup...


Well-Known Member
I always go from hanging, then to paper bags, then to jars...and if I feel the buds have sweat too much in the jar, I put them back in the paper bag for a day or two until I think they aren't going to cause mold in the jars. The worst is seeing mold on buds you just harvested. The bags slow the drying compared to open air hanging but also breath enough compared to jars that mold isn't an issue.