
Well-Known Member
Dogs are way better, they are more loyal and arent just pissy bitches that hate everybody, I dont think ive met a cat that didnt try biting me and or clawing me on the first time i met it.


Well-Known Member
In my opinion cats suck, and are terrible pets.

Dogs rule.
Reason; Dogs are responsible for the begining of sheparding. The first way man could heard animals effectively. Without dogs animals couldn't be raised and butchered for our food and enjoyment.

Shepards had dogs, Jesus was a shepard, Jesus was a dog lover, which probably gave him all his good ideas. Hahaha :mrgreen:

Cats are hellspawn :fire:


Active Member
dogs till death, but i take care of lil kitties u kno b gentle an they'll always come bak for more or go hard and they'll be stuck on stupid...


New Member
I don't favor one over the other.... I've owned cats and dogs all my life..I just think cats are very complex and fascinating creatures. Dogs are cool but they have no depth in their personalities.... They're just all goofy and lovey all the time....


Well-Known Member
I don't favor one over the other.... I've owned cats and dogs all my life..I just think cats are very complex and fascinating creatures. Dogs are cool but they have no depth in their personalities.... They're just all goofy and lovey all the time....

SHADDUP! Dogs are too complex. At least they don't sleep 18 hours a day.


Well-Known Member
im a dog person...i love my boxer...she is pretty complex not just goofy all the time...hehe but i like cats best friend has 2 cats...and i LOVE i dont think i could live with cats...but i still like them...but i couldnt live without a dog :)


New Member
SHADDUP! Dogs are too complex. At least they don't sleep 18 hours a day.
Have you ever had an old dog? When your dog gets old, he will also sleep most of the time... My cats don't sleep 18 hours a day... Maybe about 6. My boobi is the sweetest pet I've ever had... Every morning I greet her and she meows back.. She actually speaks to me through meows. My dog just slobbers around wagging her tail begging for food.....


Well-Known Member
^^^ I'm leaving him the way god made him. No ear docking or tail docking. It's inhumane.
we didnt clip sashas ears either...her tail was done when she was just a baby...but i LOVE her floppy ears! they're so velvety and ridiculously cute...haha


Well-Known Member
im bi curious. ive always been able to train my cats to be extremely social. I know this because whenever i go outside with my cat, it straight up follows me everywhere, just like a fucking dog! and just the way it looks at me and meows sometimes, it looks its trying its damnest to comunicate. But dogs have the edge.


Well-Known Member
I like both cats and dogs. I will say though my one cat is very vocal, it drives me up a wall. She was my mothers cat and she would do everything with my mother, hell I would go to her house and when I walked in the cat would be sitting at the table with my mother drinking rusty nails(yuk). That cat was her world. When she died I got the cat....this cat is non stop...meow meow meow....non stop. Drives me crazy but I love her all the same.
I think cats are more independent. I can go away for a weekend with ease. My dogs are more like kids, they go wherever I go.


Well-Known Member
not tha tail the ears cause if they get into a fight they gone get them ripped off....

I wont let him fight. If he get's to that point it's my job to intervene and break that focus. He's gotten his ears bitten in a dog park scuffle but he's a big boy.
I just find it more hurtful to him to have them docked than get nipped every now and then.


Well-Known Member
Have you ever had an old dog? When your dog gets old, he will also sleep most of the time... My cats don't sleep 18 hours a day... Maybe about 6. My boobi is the sweetest pet I've ever had... Every morning I greet her and she meows back.. She actually speaks to me through meows. My dog just slobbers around wagging her tail begging for food.....

Nah my guy is 15 months and he has energy to spare. WHen he get's older im sure he'll calm down but for now im so used to Hurricane moose. lol What kind of dog do you have?


Well-Known Member
BreatheSmoke- you like to talk about your boobies personality :mrgreen:

- cat's are too simple minded, they only run on instinct, no internal dialogue.