dogs in my school


Well-Known Member
Unless you basicaly sterilise the outside of the jar and anything that came in contact with your stuff.. the dog will find it... it finds small microscopic traces of dust left by your hands after handling IT.


Active Member
bad idea man. why risk something like that, just gonna mess up the rest of your life..

dogs smelling sense's are very sensitive. If you touched weed that morning, and go to open your locker at school that day, some dogs can smell the traces from the weed that morning on your locker/bag...and you been doing this how long, just imagine how much your bag/locker smells to a dog.


Well-Known Member
honestly if i dog can smell that well..then they will smell it on me every single day. i clambake cars the night before i go to school, and wear the same hoodie wallet reaks of roaches..
think that id get in trouble if they got a smell but no actual weed?


Well-Known Member
honestly if i dog can smell that well..then they will smell it on me every single day. i clambake cars the night before i go to school, and wear the same hoodie wallet reaks of roaches..
think that id get in trouble if they got a smell but no actual weed?
As long as you don't have any weed on you, and you deny you ever had any, Then no you shouldn't get in trouble(that means no roaches, too).
They might tell your parents tho.
Also, don't try to mask the scent of weed, Whatever you bring to school, teachers and police can search. If a dog alerts to you, then they will go through anything you brought into that room. If you get caught with weed you can get no College aid. Sometimes it's even impossible to get to college since some don't accept convicted drug dealers. Just don't risk it at school.