Dogs > Cats


Well-Known Member
not a discussion. dogs are way better than cats. cats = spawn of satan......argument ready..... argument Set.............GO!



Well-Known Member
I figured with all the cat loving twerps on here, and on the internet in general, this would have been a more lively argument...perhaps a more incendiary title was needed :/


Well-Known Member
Like dogs,


Dogs are too high maintenance to be raised properly. Don't get me wrong: we've owned dogs for years, (cats too) but after we lost our last dog to a broken back we decided no more dogs. I want to be free to take off for a few days without worrying. Cats you can throw a bowl of food, water and a litter box and you're good to go for a couple days.

I think most men dislike cats because cats are more subtle. They don't need to be around us, they choose to be around us. Dogs are more companion-like and in your face. Cats are waaaay more fun to observe and have around.


Well-Known Member
I owe my life to a Dog, so I think you know my choice. And I foster dogs until they're given a full time home.


Well-Known Member
I do feel more special when a cat chooses to spoon with me.
Dogs are like whores. Easily boughten.


Well-Known Member
I don't like cats because they walk around in a dirty shit box, then they jump up on the table or counter.
Good point, but the human is supposed to CLEAN the shitbox….. and dogs lick their asses and eat their own shit and garbage THEN want to lick your face….so….


Well-Known Member
Dogs straight up looove eating cats shit.
If you put a shit box in your house you deserve a box of shit in your house.