Dogs bit my hands up pretty good


Ursus marijanus
I am extremely loath to use that term for humans. Once I said about an unpleasant woman: "She can really be a bit ... much". Try it out loud, especially after a smoke or two. it's therapeutic. cn


Well-Known Member
Grab some of the fat behind the ear kinda on the neck and pinch until you get their attention. This is what dogs in the wild do to control their young. It shows you are the dominate power, head of the pack essentially.

Pat the stoner

New Member
Grab some of the fat behind the ear kinda on the neck and pinch until you get their attention. This is what dogs in the wild do to control their young. It shows you are the dominate power, head of the pack essentially.
Yeah I think I got it under control now but damn hand got bit up pretty good . Hey live and learn .

hope full

Active Member
Dam man.... Some people just dont understand, when you see two of your kids fighting, knowing that they can seriously hurt them selfs or kill one another, there isnt any time to think about what to grab or to get a cup of water you jump in that shit!, yep and I new before I even opened this thread that pit bull was gonna get thrown around like crazy, let me drop this little fact on you guys, guess what the number one bitter is in the u.s fucking golden retriever. Thats right. Only problem about pits is when they bite they do damage and they mean it, and of course have people breeding them like crazy not thinking about temperament and such, I have a show pit, he weighs 70 pounds of pure muscle and his heads about the same size as mine, and I have NEVER seen one bit out of agression out of him unless it was for a good reason, my close friend also has a pit, same way Teddy bears, mine will cuddle with my two week old daughter everytime he gets a chance and I would trust him with her life. But I have broken up some nasty fights and came out unscaved a future tip pat is if you ever walk in on that again is to kick one of them right in the ass hole and they will release I know it sound cruel but trust it works. Sorry about the rant slash book I wrote it just dosent settle good with me to hear pits being brought up like that.

Pat the stoner

New Member
I hate people who raise dogs to fight . My pit/lab weighs about 80 lbs . He doesn't look it but he's heavy . He has never bitten anything but toys and railings , he chews on stuff . He looks way more lab than pit , I wish I had pics to share of my dogs .

hope full

Active Member
Haha talking about chewing on stuff? Mine ate thru my couch when he was a pup and I mean that literally lol alll the way down passed the springs to the floor, I just went to the grocery store and I walked in and he was inside of it with stuffin every were, I wasnt mad more baffeld than anything, I just moved into my apt, and it was free just untill I got skme furniture to fill it lol


Well-Known Member
Ahhhh yesterday my dog died ...................



Well-Known Member
AWWWW man sorry !!!!!! that just sucks to hear .. I got sooooooo much shit going on but you know what lol 99 problems and a bitch ain't one!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
AWWWW man sorry !!!!!! that just sucks to hear .. I got sooooooo much shit going on but you know what lol 99 problems and a bitch ain't one!!!!!!!!
No no ,:wall: he's not dead , was a random post because of the Lyrics ,

Sorry , i didn't think , he's only 1.5yrs old , little fooka has time left lol:bigjoint:

big Em fan.....