Dog Saves Abandoned Baby By Treating It As One Of Her Puppies


Well-Known Member
No one's sure exactly how it happened and they may never be. But a dog is being hailed a hero around the world after an unbelievable incident that came to light last Thursday.
It started when a desperate 14-year-old mother decided to abandon her newborn infant in the city of La Plata, Argentina, about 60 kilometres south of Buenos Aires. It's still winter in that part of the world now, and nighttime temperatures there get to just above the freezing mark.
But the infant in this case didn't die and was found alive and well after being discovered. The reason? The tiny naked girl had somehow ended up in a group of puppies being kept warm by its mother, a dog named China.
The heat from the mother and the other pups was enough to keep the baby from freezing and when the dog's owner came out to the pen in the morning and found the child, he immediately contacted authorities.
The 8-lbs., 13 ounce infant was just a few hours old and other than a few bruises, was in remarkably good health. She was being looked over by physicians as a precaution. "According to the pediatricians, everything was fine," assures Dr. Egidio Melia of La Plata Hospital.

Authorities have managed to locate the 14-year-old girl and she's O.K. as well, although she'll face questions about why she abandoned the infant in such harsh conditions.
But there's still one mystery to this amazing miracle. No one has yet been able to determine if the little girl left the baby with the dog - or if the mother somehow found the tiny infant and carried it back to its waiting brood to help it survive.
One source, The BBC, is suggesting the latter is the most likely possibility, saying the panicked girl left the child in a field, with only some garbage and boxes around and that the dog found it and somehow transported it the short distance to its pen.
There is one other bit of fallout from this remarkable case. The dog has now become such a huge focus of attention in the country, that's she's become upset by all the media attention. Her owner says China is no longer eating.

If you don't think we're all're full of it.


Well-Known Member
Amazing story here...

Sad to think though that a DOG cared more about the baby then it's own mother.. 14 or not.. our society is fucked up..

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
It's sad but the mother was probably terrified.There should be no questions asked baby drop off areas at every hospital.


Well-Known Member
It's sad but the mother was probably terrified.There should be no questions asked baby drop off areas at every hospital.
I see your point..

but I personally am sick of this type of shyt.. We need to bring self responsibility back to this world, where the hell was the 14 yr old's parents? Pregnancy takes 9 months for a've had plenty of time to cope with the reality of what is coming.. There are thousands and thousands of children in foster care and not enough people willing to pick up all the irresponsible mother's messes.. I cannot even comprehend the de-attachment these mothers feel, it's unnatural and a symptom of the problems of our society.:peace:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what the abortion laws are in Argentina.She probably faced hell.While, I don't condone her behavior, I don't know what all the facts are.I don't know about you, but when I was 14, if I would have been sexually active,and gotten pregnant, I'd have performed an abortion upon myself.Young girls don't always think.
I see your point..

but I personally am sick of this type of shyt.. We need to bring self responsibility back to this world, where the hell was the 14 yr old's parents? Pregnancy takes 9 months for a've had plenty of time to cope with the reality of what is coming.. There are thousands and thousands of children in foster care and not enough people willing to pick up all the irresponsible mother's messes.. I cannot even comprehend the de-attachment these mothers feel, it's unnatural and a symptom of the problems of our society.:peace:

red phoenix

Active Member
reminds me of how my brothers dog roxy was with her puppies. she would only allow humans near her pups for the first 3 months and attacked the other dogs when they tried to go past the shed door


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what the abortion laws are in Argentina.She probably faced hell.While, I don't condone her behavior, I don't know what all the facts are.I don't know about you, but when I was 14, if I would have been sexually active,and gotten pregnant, I'd have performed an abortion upon myself.Young girls don't always think.
We come from two completely different angles, and it's better to just agree to disagree.. myself personally, I would have never gotten an abortion no matter what age- I do not have an older sister because of a mistake my mother has regretted her whole life, it ripped her apart and I don't condone it..I got pregnant as a teenager and I couldn't imagine the thought that my daughter didn't deserve to be here...

I agree, young girls don't always think.. lol.. but there's also plenty of adults that don't either.. lol.. big problem there..

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Very true.But at least we can choose.
We come from two completely different angles, and it's better to just agree to disagree.. myself personally, I would have never gotten an abortion no matter what age- I do not have an older sister because of a mistake my mother has regretted her whole life, it ripped her apart and I don't condone it..I got pregnant as a teenager and I couldn't imagine the thought that my daughter didn't deserve to be here...

I agree, young girls don't always think.. lol.. but there's also plenty of adults that don't either.. lol.. big problem there..


Active Member
That little bitch is it not crazy that when you adopt a dog from the spca they screen you if your broke or something no pet but any lame fucks can shit out babeies wtf you should need a liscence to breed stateing that your not an incompetent fuck cuz some people should not have kids


Active Member
and these fuckin little bitches haveing kids at 14 wtf close your fucking legs i know a few of my sisters freinds that have kids there like 17 18 and they have a hard time wipeing there kids ass theres this one that came over with my sis one day she would not get up to feed here babey here excusse (but im tierd) i freaked out on here have some fuckin backbone if ya can make them you should be able to take care of them when my first daugter was born i was a junkie i had just done a hit and went to the hospitle when i held her i got this felling its hard to explane but i new what i had to do the same night i enterd portage a detox/rehab did my 6 months been clean 7 years and have had my child to thank


Active Member
It's sad but the mother was probably terrified.There should be no questions asked baby drop off areas at every hospital.
Why so everyone has a way out so the kids can be raveged by the system have some spine all that would do is tell people duh well its fun to make them and we can just trow them out ater no questions asked people that abandon there children are weak they should be exacuted:evil::evil::evil:


Well-Known Member
and these fuckin little bitches haveing kids at 14 wtf close your fucking legs i know a few of my sisters freinds that have kids there like 17 18 and they have a hard time wipeing there kids ass theres this one that came over with my sis one day she would not get up to feed here babey here excusse (but im tierd) i freaked out on here have some fuckin backbone if ya can make them you should be able to take care of them when my first daugter was born i was a junkie i had just done a hit and went to the hospitle when i held her i got this felling its hard to explane but i new what i had to do the same night i enterd portage a detox/rehab did my 6 months been clean 7 years and have had my child to thank
It's a really touchy subject, n I'm not really in the mood to deal with some argument about abortion and parental responsibility, but I agree with you 100% man.

Society is completely fucked right now, I can't wrap my mind around it.. a complete disconnect of conscious in regard to that which should be most dear- our children.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Holy shit, use some punctuation and spell, it keeps these babies from being abandoned in the cold.
Why so everyone has a way out so the kids can be raveged by the system have some spine all that would do is tell people duh well its fun to make them and we can just trow them out ater no questions asked people that abandon there children are weak they should be exacuted:evil::evil::evil: