doesnt look very sexy


using cfl's 100 watt daylight and 1 month into veg in mg moisture control. everything looks good on top just the lower level of one of my plants seems to be struggling. i looked in the diagnostic thread but couldnt really find a match. thanks for your help :)



using cfl's 100 watt daylight and 1 month into veg in mg moisture control. everything looks good on top just the lower level of one of my plants seems to be struggling. i looked in the diagnostic thread but couldnt really find a match. thanks for your help :)
Two things come to mind for me. The first and most obvious is that it is a magnesium deficiency which can be solved by adding magnesium. The other thing which is less obvious is that you may have fungus gnats or thrips in your soil and they are eating at the roots which causes the leaves to shrivel up and die. If it is that you need to get on that asap because they can kill the plant.


Well-Known Member
Looks like Nutrient Lock to me.

GrowFAQ :
What is nutrient lockout?

Added by: MedMan Viewed: 373 times Rated by 4 users: 9.67/10
Contributed by: Strawdog

Nutrient lockout happens when your plant can not access specific, or all nutrients in the growing medium, this is due to a chemical reaction within the medium/solution which prevents nutrients from being absorbed by the roots.

Aged nutrients can precipitate in the bottle, causing some of the ingredients to become solids or even evaporate, the same problem may also occur in the growing medium.

Lockout will display the same symptoms as nutrient deficiency; to help control this problem dispose of old liquid feed containers as you would old medicine and use fresh nutrients from a bottle that has been recently opened.

The following points can also be responsible for nutrient lockout.

PH is incorrect or fluctuates.

Single pack hydroponic solutions.

Salt build up.

A chemical reaction between 2 or more nutrient
solutions that are mixed together.

For acute deficiency symptoms caused by toxicity and nutrient lockout a first Aid program should be immediately administered.

Step 1)
Leach the plants roots and growing medium using a professional leaching agent to thoroughly leach away metals, calcium, sodium, chlorides, sulphates and many other compounds, which can build up in the growing media.

Step 2)
Feed with 1/4 strength high quality complete plant food mix along with a high quality vitamin B-1 product such as Superthrive (1 drop per gallon).

Step 3)
Spray a professional stay green formula on the leaves. After 24hrs, spray the leaves with a quality vitamin B-1 product.
Feed at 25% of recommended fertilizer dosage until first signs of growth.




Well-Known Member
its most likely Nute Lock or Its being burnt.

Wouldnt say pests, doesn't look like the type of damage they cause.


thanks for the info guys i will work on this lockout business tomorrow

ya i didnt think it was buggies cause i havnt seen any at all


Well-Known Member
I would also add that it looks like they are staying too wet for too long(the soil), based on how droopy they are. That foil curled in like that will hols moisture longer, which isn't good considering that the soil you are using already is known for holding moisture. Cut that foil off, get a fan blowing on those pots/plants, and turn the temp up a little if you have too. Those roots are probably starving for oxygen, causing problems and showing deficiencies. :)