Doesn't Get Me High And Tastes Like Perfume


Well-Known Member
Exactly. That's why the answer is that it was not ripe when it was chopped.
It would have to pretty damn early not to do anything. He should smoke it again without smoking anything else and then tell us what it did.

I have chopped hermed out bitches at 3 or 4 weeks and they were pretty stoney. And they were shwagg ass bagseed.


Well-Known Member
maybe the OP has a high tolerance and is not used to somewhat early weed.. It would not affect me to smoke some low THC weed these days..


Active Member
1) the perfume taste comes from the ONA gel I did the same thing...KEEP ONA AWAY FROM THE GROW SPACE and all intakes. It will make the bud taste like complete ass (perfume) and it kills the potency of the bud. The essencial oils in the ona are absorbed by the bud. Thus everything turns to poop. Air out the grow space well...very well and try again....carbon filter is best bet for odor my friend.


Active Member
I had a similar problem recently...

I was forced to harvest at week 9, the trichomes were mostly clear

the resulting buds had an ok smell but didnt get you stoned
the buds were big and covered in trichomes, just not ready at harvest time

I was growing different strains and they were all affected this way, so i doubt its the strain
some strains will take 10 weeks or more to reach mature


Well-Known Member
I had an ONA jar near my Exhaust fan for a few days when the smell of my cab was getting out of control. I didn't have any of the problems discussed here.


Well-Known Member
I had an ONA jar near my Exhaust fan for a few days when the smell of my cab was getting out of control. I didn't have any of the problems discussed here.
That's because you aren't looking for excuses as to why your pot sucked, pardon my bluntess.

ONA blocks won't make your weed smell like ONA or ruin the potency of your plants.

The latter doesn't even begin to make sense, while the former could be due to product misuse.


Well-Known Member
smoke a gram then make your judgment..............if a gram dosent do it nothing will.........did you have any ph/nute problems during the grow??


Active Member
No ph/nute problems, the only other thing i can think off is that i moved on the 6th week of flowering. leaving then in darkness for 24 hours. Im gonna try it again later today.


Active Member
I second that ONA could effect the flavor and possibly the high. ONA has its own (soapy) smell that will take over a closed space.

IDK about the rest of you but I have bought some nasty brick weed back in the day. If you get a chunk from the outside edge of the brick that was stored by some dryer sheets or something, that weed will then taste perfumey. I have never gotten high off of weed like that. I think the scent does something that counteracts the THC. That and you just don't want to inhale enough of it cause it's gross.

As suggested prior, maybe let it cure up alil more before deciding on it. But if it keeps that flavor i'de say it's the ONA. I hope it works out for ya.


Active Member
I ended up smoking a gram blunt last night. It took a while to creep on, but i got pretty high. Its real heady and not what im used to. The taste is still a little off. ill give it some more time to cure