Does your Friendship come with Strings?

I'm a very critical person... I will find your flaws and decide if I like a person within the first few times of meeting them...

I'm a completely social person in the public eye as I'm a building contractor and I need to maintain that reputation as a legit business owner and operator.

I never "look" for new friendships but some of my closest friends have happened by chance.

As far as trust goes... Once I decide I can consider someone my friend I give a little to plant a seed and then I just sit back and watch that seed grow... It's either going to do well or turn to shit... Kinda like growing bag seed.... Haha
So do you like people first? Or do you make them PROVE themselves? I like everyone until they do something to piss me off. And I might still like them depending on what they do to piss me off. I mean I have been in arguments and fights with my friends. But we're still friends. There are certain things if I knew about you I wouldn't like you to begin with

Some people only like people that agree with all the things they say.

Some people only associate with others that share their same opinions.

I like first generally, and ask questions later.

What kind of Friend are YOU?

Does your friendship only come with strings attached?
yeah they all have strings and sometimes i think I'm getting played like a marionette..
I never judge right off the bat, I generally like people when I meet them but usually quickly change my mind... I don't have a lot of friends but the few in my life are amazing people. I just don't have the time/energy to put into "pretending" to be friends with shitty people anymore. As you get older you seem to realize how many selfish people there are in the world. Unfortunately its a lot to ask for to have a genuine, non-shit-talking, honest, selfless friend it seems.