Does when you cut your plant down affect strength of smell?


Well-Known Member
For instance, I have a TGA JillyBean plant which smells really really amazing. However, the smell is only strongest after a warm hot day, and on cold days it is a very faint almost nonexistent. I guess what this means is that the plant smells the best after a long day of photosynthesis and "sweating."

I see a lot of growers (including myself) asking questions pertaining to why their cured bud doesn't smell as good as when it was fresh.

So my question is this, could cutting a plant down when it is least smelly (say on a cloudy day with no sun), cause the bud to lose it's smell forever? (in my case of JillyBean it smells like orange sherbert or dreamsicles).


Well-Known Member
I was kinda wondering the opposite, perhaps you may know, If my plant that doesn't smell at all unless you sniff it is it going to get stinky when I hang it?


Well-Known Member
Yea I think so.

but your situation is like mine, sometimes the plant doesn't smell unless I put my nose to it (sometimes the smell disappears altogether), but other times I can smell it just standing next to it.

so I'm wondering if it'll be really pungent if you cut it when it is really smelly.
ya taste and smell will come out when cured and dried, just wait untill the end man. they will suprise u when u stick ur nose in ur huge bag of nugs