Does Uncle Ben have supermodel status privileges?


Well-Known Member
Who shits solid anymore anyway, wtf?! If that shit has a couple solid chunks in it I'm happy. I don't even wipe anymore, just let it air dry. I half stand now in front of the urinal and blast that motherfucker. It gets all shloppy in my asshole pubes and runs down my legs and eventually dries. Fuckload easier that way.


Well-Known Member
Who shits solid anymore anyway, wtf?! If that shit has a couple solid chunks in it I'm happy. I don't even wipe anymore, just let it air dry. I half stand now in front of the urinal and blast that motherfucker. It gets all shloppy in my asshole pubes and runs down my legs and eventually dries. Fuckload easier that way.
do you ever jack off while you shit?