Does this look normal??Shiva skunk pic

i have 25 shiva skunk (northern lights x skunk#1).they are in 5 gal pots under 2 hps 1000 roots organic soil..10 days in veg on 18/6 cycle.the leaves on the new growth are "twisting".is this normal?havent ever done this strain before.thought that maybe i could get some input from some experienced growers ...any input would b greatly appreciated..2012-01-16 18.28.04.jpg2012-01-17 21.12.07.jpg:peace:2012-01-17 21.12.27.jpg


Well-Known Member
I never grew successfully with your dirt tried it once with no luck your
issue looks like nutes or ph who knows all this is a guess I couldn't figure
it out so it took me 3 year to learn how to grow with ffof I'm thinking
of sticking with ffof and what I know I start off with sunshine mix 4 for
the first 2 or 3 weeks before I put'em into the ffof I do this cause ffof
has nutes in it already why I bring this up is I think your soil has nutes
in it too and you either put'em in the soil too soon or fed'em to soon if all the
25 are doing this I take it to be a bad trip~
Captain American couldn't help you!


Active Member
I use Roots Organic soil and have great results, dont think thats it. How close you got that light? Looks like a lighting issue. Why HPS? Is your ballast swithable between HPS and MH?
Never realized it till now that my ballasts are switchable from hps to this going to kill my plants?dude said that if they are all doing this then I wad in for a bad trip....should I just start over?or go ahead with flowering them?
The lights are 36in off the top of the 16 green cracks arent doing this and they are in the same room.they are very nice and healthy...frustrating doing new again for any input u have....


Active Member
no hell no, dont ditch em theyll be ok. do you have an MH bulb you can go to for veg? some problems are strain specific like the twisting you got going. how close is the hps youre running? I would back off the light a little and try the MH see if it helps. With the size of those it cant be the soil or the amount of nutes. what size pots and how far is the light? and whats your ph?
The lights are 4ft off the plants..raised them to this last nite..they are in 5gal is like7.0..dont have the cash to get mh bulbs.they seem to b moving rigjt along..this defect wont kill them?yah I dont think its a problem with the soil or the nutes either...just twisted leaves..other than that,i think they look pretty healthy....was planning on flipping them to12/12 on sat....should I let them try to come out of this first?will this defect affect the flowering?