Does this look normal or start of a iron def


Active Member
Hey everyone,
I'm starting this thread as when i was about to water this plant this afternoon and noticed that the growing shoots look alittle lighter than what normal new growing shoots colour is?
I'm growing in a soil mix that i put together out of..
50% westlands multi compost with added john inn's 30%vitamix-pro with has hardly any nutes in, 10% perlite 10% worm castings plus i added 1&half teaspoons of dolomite lime to the mix.
I feed the plant with 0.5ml of canna vegga into 1.75ltrs of water as the soil might still be alittle
hot, the plants about a month old now (maybe just under) but defo a month lol i also noticed abit of the claw from nute burn which ive put a picture up of it" i've watered once since the time i feed so hopefully the nute burn will wont get worse. Plz could someone tell me what you think?
Thanks guys. My ph is 6.7-6.8



Active Member
Hi my friend thanks for the comment about the name, only alittle out from your own lol
So they look ok to your good self" i'm having afew problems with some betty boo autos that im growing (this ones not) infact i haven't a clue what strain these are lol i found 5 seeds in a very nice bag of weed i got off someone. I'm hoping that its came from someone who's growing alot but not a big time op" i expect that the grower let a male pollenate the plants as to it being a boy/girl herm something they called in they lol