does this look like rot or nute stain


Active Member
So yeah as i said before, if your ph RISES it's a bug in your system- treat with tea. If your ph DROPS, the late stages have set in and your fighting pythium now as well. The brown slime algae (which i can tell you have from the pics, just wanted to tell you nicely) suffocates your roots for some time (raising your ph) until your roots begin to rot at which time pythium sets in and your roots develop an odor and ph shoots down.
so whoever told you to disregard my message needs to do a little more research. You and i both know by your roots and new growth that there's a problem.. We can only lead you to the fix.And no, any enzyme product will probably only make things worse. Might be worth a try while you wait for your tea ingredients.

Good luck buddy- ive been there
Thanks for all the info.
I want to keep this updated for others that might be going through a similar thing.

In regards to ph fluctuations in 48 hrs ph rose .2 so from 5.8-6.0 so I'm not sure if that's normal or not ( I was under the impression that was normal? )

Here are some new pics 2 days later.

Pineapple chunk roots day 16

Ak 47 roots day 16

Ak 47 day 16 growth

Pineapple chunk day 16

What do you think. In my opinion they are looking a lot better.

Im regards to the tea. Is their some alternative? Like can I use pond zym instead?


Btw the new growth doesn't appear to be slowing at all or looking bad/discolored or anything.


Well-Known Member
Just go down to your neighborhood walmart and get some start zyme($5). You use .5ml/gallon of water and done. Follow the directions when to reapply. You failed to mention what nutrients you are using?


Active Member
Just go down to your neighborhood walmart and get some start zyme($5). You use .5ml/gallon of water and done. Follow the directions when to reapply. You failed to mention what nutrients you are using?
Nah no wall mart down under here in Australia mate. Going to hunt around tomorrow for some sort of pondzym.

Using canna classic a and b
Canna boost (starts week 4)

What did you make of the pictures of the roots?


Active Member
Can you get Great White down there?
Not sure really. Can't say I have seen it around. I'm going to my Hydro store tomorrow.ill see what he recommends.

I just seen it online in Australia so I'm guessing ill be able to find someone who stocks it.
Would this be replacing the tea? I see its full off beneficial bacteria. Looks like good stuff


Well-Known Member
The Great White is one of the best benificials out there imo. Dust roots and let it go to work. Use some hygrozyme to eatup remaining dead roots.


Well-Known Member
Nah no wall mart down under here in Australia mate. Going to hunt around tomorrow for some sort of pondzym.

Using canna classic a and b
Canna boost (starts week 4)

What did you make of the pictures of the roots?

Send me a PM


Active Member

Ok so I ended up buying 'great white'. I had every intention of buying some pond zyme but was convinced to buy great white as I already am using a zyme product (cannazyme).

Put it in yesterday then opening the buckets today found my water was almost black and the browning on the roots is almost black now too.

There is definitely no smell and they are not slimey but after rubbing the black part in my hand tiny roots were falling off. Root rot??
What would you guys do? I don't want to go adding peroxide if its avoidable.

The strange thing is that the plants are looking amazing and are growing very quick. Should I be concerned?
Here's some pics.


Day 18


New Member
Pond-zyme is barley with 5 species of bacteria in a dry form, not an 'enzyme' product, so you were misinformed on that. Personally I won't use products that stain the roots, but if your plants are doing fine I wouldn't worry about it.

How much GW did you use, maybe too much? I heard ZHO does the same thing, I think it's the fungi spores.

From what I have read, h2o2 will do nothing to fix root rot once you have it... it is only a preventative and not a very good one. I have never tried it though so I can't say first-hand.


Active Member
Thanks well I did a res change yesterday after noticing the browning. And went to check today and it looks worse. Plants are nice a green and looking good and I healthy. So I dunno I'm confused.
I used half a spoon per 17ltrs of water so I don't think I over did it.

Roots still don't smell and aren't slimey so I'm assuming they aren't rotting anyways here's some new pictures.
Above Ground

Roots 1

Roots 2



New Member
man I would discontinue that shit immediately, roots should not look like that I don't care what bennies you are using. Your plants will continue to look green and healthy until the roots get so bad they are unable to uptake the nutritional requirements, then shit will go downhill quick. The light discoloration you had in the original post is much preferable to whatever you have going on now.


Active Member
What do you rekon?
Flush the shit out with h202?
Yeah it looks heaps nastie whatever is in there is thriving on the beneficials im great white.
It seems to be taking over the good stuff


New Member
I would generally rinse the roots out under tap water and use my fingers to get as much of the black shit off as possible. If some dead roots come off in the process, that is normal; you want to pretty much get all of it out. Dunk the root ball in a bucket of mild bleach or h2o2 water for at least 60 seconds to sterilize the roots. Empty the buckets and wipe them down with hot bleach or h2o2 water. Refill the buckets, mix up nutes, and put the plants back in.

After doing this to your plants, they will spend about a week recovering and growing new pristine white roots... during this time the leaves will prob fade, if they get bad you can hit them with a light foliar spray but should be fine.

When you refill the buckets and mix up nutes, if you are using tap water I suggest treating it with API tap water conditioner from same people and place you get pond-zyme from. It is used to detoxify tap water for aquariums. You could have issues with the tap water making your bennies less effective otherwise.

Tap water conditioner (if needed)
silica (if used)
cal/mag (if used)
base nutes
adjust ph

For bennies I suggest Aquashield and/or Pond-Zyme. Aquashield has a shelf life of 1 year so check the expiration date if you get it... some hydro store owners will remove the expiration date; it should be printed on a sticker on the back. Continue dosing the buckets with bennies 2-3 times a week until shit gets stable... then continue to dose once or twice a week for maintenance/prevention.

It is critical to make sure you are not using nutes, or ph down, or other additives that contain anything organic (besides bennies obviously). At least for now and the rest of this grow.


Well-Known Member
I would generally rinse the roots out under tap water and use my fingers to get as much of the black shit off as possible. If some dead roots come off in the process, that is normal; you want to pretty much get all of it out. Dunk the root ball in a bucket of mild bleach or h2o2 water for at least 60 seconds to sterilize the roots. Empty the buckets and wipe them down with hot bleach or h2o2 water. Refill the buckets, mix up nutes, and put the plants back in.

After doing this to your plants, they will spend about a week recovering and growing new pristine white roots... during this time the leaves will prob fade, if they get bad you can hit them with a light foliar spray but should be fine.

When you refill the buckets and mix up nutes, if you are using tap water I suggest treating it with API tap water conditioner from same people and place you get pond-zyme from. It is used to detoxify tap water for aquariums. You could have issues with the tap water making your bennies less effective otherwise.

Tap water conditioner (if needed)
silica (if used)
cal/mag (if used)
base nutes
adjust ph

For bennies I suggest Aquashield and/or Pond-Zyme. Aquashield has a shelf life of 1 year so check the expiration date if you get it... some hydro store owners will remove the expiration date; it should be printed on a sticker on the back. Continue dosing the buckets with bennies 2-3 times a week until shit gets stable... then continue to dose once or twice a week for maintenance/prevention.

It is critical to make sure you are not using nutes, or ph down, or other additives that contain anything organic (besides bennies obviously). At least for now and the rest of this grow.

This guy is to stubborn to use PondZyme. I Pm'd him and told him what to do last week, but he went straight back to the hydro store and bought their crap. So what can you do.

Unfortunately, Even Pondzyme won't cure that now. He is going to have to use Pondzyme just to keep it in check from here on out. You are going to have to do the tea to get this under control and fast.


Active Member
I did/do respect all the information you have provided me via pm. Unfortunately I was nieve enough to listen to the guy at the hydro store.

All is well I gave the roots a nice bath in water to remove all the black crap all over the roots.
And followed malevolence procedure. So I'll check back in a cpl of days with progress.

Here is a pic after the bath.

Bleached the fuck out of the buckets and added tap conditioner and pond zyme.

So I'll see where we end up next.

Really appreciate all the help everyone has kindly given out.

We all gotta start somewhere don't we?

In the month starting my first hydro I have learned more than in years of soil growing. So thanks again and

Merry Christmas