Does this look like lockout or def to you?


Active Member
I know your getting alot of conflicting answers but a sure way to clear it up is to foliar feed with an organic vegg food. Or at least semi organic
Im using flora nutes and its all i got besides miracle grow and im not using that crap again lol.Im also running this in a DWC so i feed the roots directly.I have used plain ph'd water for the last couple days since i do have soil as a medium in my net pots.I could add a lil bit of nutes to the water but id rather not burn them ill let them ride a week or so and if it gets bad ill have to try something different


Well-Known Member
hey I had that problem before....long time did right by feed everything...but its most important to have good quality of air, check temp and humid...that cause your plant looks like that...have you check that out ? just my guess and hopefully get an good idea :)


Active Member
hey I had that problem before....long time did right by feed everything...but its most important to have good quality of air, check temp and humid...that cause your plant looks like that...have you check that out ? just my guess and hopefully get an good idea :)
my temp runs around 75-80 these days cause its been over 100 and my a/c cant keep up.It was round 85 so i took my metal halide light down an put my 4 foot floro up for now until it cools down a humidity stays around 40% but moves up an down but i try to keep it constant but really cant with the air running non gets the same air i breathe no outside air and as hot as it is i wouldnt want it anyways lol.i have an exhaust fan in my closet and an intake fan that im going to put up this weekend.I just leave the door open for now


Well-Known Member
ph is lower on hydro than thinkn they were locked out and couldnt get the nutes due to high they look def but im not sure.the plants are 3 weeks old not 3 weeks in the soup.theyve only been in the water for 5-6 days so their actually growing good but they were meesed up plants frow the get-go. they lookd retarted and were deformed then they looked great and grew out of it and now they look like this so thats what leads me to think nute def.
I think your right and here's why
I treated River Birch this year and Azaleas last year with the same veining issue, had it tested at Penn state and it turned out to be an N def because of all the rain we had. It changed the ph of the soil and N wasn't available early enough in spring when leaves were forming. We treated with liquid sulpher and it helped the Azaleas best and the Birches looked better too.
Idk where you could buy it but I know you can buy ph up and down and just get advise before you add anything. I know nothing about those up and down products


Active Member
I think your right and here's why
I treated River Birch this year and Azaleas last year with the same veining issue, had it tested at Penn state and it turned out to be an N def because of all the rain we had. It changed the ph of the soil and N wasn't available early enough in spring when leaves were forming. We treated with liquid sulpher and it helped the Azaleas best and the Birches looked better too.
Idk where you could buy it but I know you can buy ph up and down and just get advise before you add anything. I know nothing about those up and down products
I actually used vinegar to drop it down.its natural and cheap so i figured id go that far they look the same but hopefully they will come out of it shortly.a couple of the tips are starting to brown on me so that sux but i think they will be alright in the long run.fingers crossed!


How are you oxygenating the roots? Your pics look like your using a tote with net pots in it... if you are just using an aquarium air pump then the odds are decent that the level of oxygenation is not satisfactory for optimal nute uptake. That could lead to all sorts of deficiencies. Also, you say that your temps are running 75-80. I assume that's the temp in your room, and without cooling, your res will eventually rise to that temp, which just so happens to be the level where you could experience root rot. It all kinda makes sense given you started noticing these probs as soon as the roots made it out of the soil and into the soup. Soil is more forgiving from both a pH and temp standpoint. I know a lot of folks on this forum don't have the luxury of copious funds, so acquiring new equipment becomes a problem, but given that pH and ppm are interdependent I would STRONGLY urge you to get a ppm meter. Otherwise you're just going to continue playing the guessing game.


Active Member
How are you oxygenating the roots? Your pics look like your using a tote with net pots in it... if you are just using an aquarium air pump then the odds are decent that the level of oxygenation is not satisfactory for optimal nute uptake. That could lead to all sorts of deficiencies. Also, you say that your temps are running 75-80. I assume that's the temp in your room, and without cooling, your res will eventually rise to that temp, which just so happens to be the level where you could experience root rot. It all kinda makes sense given you started noticing these probs as soon as the roots made it out of the soil and into the soup. Soil is more forgiving from both a pH and temp standpoint. I know a lot of folks on this forum don't have the luxury of copious funds, so acquiring new equipment becomes a problem, but given that pH and ppm are interdependent I would STRONGLY urge you to get a ppm meter. Otherwise you're just going to continue playing the guessing game.
def plan on getting using frozen bottles of water to cool my rez for now
yeah man what he said...even if u cant afford somethin u gotta find somethin to solve the prob or the plant will die...u def gotta giv it more oxy 2 airstones not enuff i know from experience. especially wit temps like that and nothing cooling ur water root rot is a sure thing..ur water temp def gotta be round 70 or less..ur plant will look great big and beautiful like nothins wrong then bam root rot...please fix ur water temp and get that meter...


Active Member
yeah man what he said...even if u cant afford somethin u gotta find somethin to solve the prob or the plant will die...u def gotta giv it more oxy 2 airstones not enuff i know from experience. especially wit temps like that and nothing cooling ur water root rot is a sure thing..ur water temp def gotta be round 70 or less..ur plant will look great big and beautiful like nothins wrong then bam root rot...please fix ur water temp and get that meter...
ok so i just ordered a ppm meter off ebay but its gonna take a while to get getting a ph tester also im looking at some right hopefully i can get all this under control here soon.this is my first DWC grow so im bound to hit some snags but ill pull thru it