does this look like a successful cloning?


Active Member
i got a purple wreck clone recently and i'm wondering does this look like it's going to live? is the yellowing normal and the dying of the lower leaves?

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
Needs time but should be fine

I use the same cups in clear

I get to keep an eye on root development

Grow on


Active Member
here is the progression of my VERY FIRST clone after its first visible roots, and for the next four or 5 days after.

yours looks fine, the yellowing happened on my clone too and it was in really bad shape for a while, but it never died..
give it time and it will pop roots and as soon as those get out there, any damage on your clone should be recovered from.

and don't overwater or your clone will rot!



New Member
The lower leaves usually yellow and die first.. You should foliar feed your plants. Start of with 1/4 strength recommended dose per 1 gallon water for a clone.


Active Member
isnt it bad to feed it when you just put it in the soil? i thought there was a lot of nutes in there temporarily, its a soil mix of fox farm ocean forest/happy frog