Does this constitute harassment?

No. It doesn't. Why do you think the video has disabled ratings and comments. Because everyone disagrees with the videos agenda.
No. It doesn't. Why do you think the video has disabled ratings and comments. Because everyone disagrees with the videos agenda.
Yeah that's usually how it goes when people disable the ratings

People in comment sections of other social media outlets are tearing the woman apart though

So she got extremely upset that the guy said "Do you want my name? It's Hugh Mungus.".. Even if he said something way more vulgar and obvious like "Jack Mehoff", it's a joke, lady. People who get offended at jokes are idiots. Here's another good example of that at a fuckin' COMEDY SHOW no less! WTF?

Dude handled it like a professional though

Not a fan of the double standards
Yeah that's usually how it goes when people disable the ratings

People in comment sections of other social media outlets are tearing the woman apart though

So she got extremely upset that the guy said "Do you want my name? It's Hugh Mungus.".. Even if he said something way more vulgar and obvious like "Jack Mehoff", it's a joke, lady. People who get offended at jokes are idiots. Here's another good example of that at a fuckin' COMEDY SHOW no less! WTF?

Dude handled it like a professional though

Not a fan of the double standards

God your signature is massive lol. I'm baked as fuck and I keep reading down into it thinking it's part of your post..

Anyhow.. You're right on the money. She seems like she is only there to force a bad interaction with people. Confrontational.
This guy set the women up for sexual content in his comedy routine in England.....which lol Benny Hill....

Yeah that's usually how it goes when people disable the ratings

People in comment sections of other social media outlets are tearing the woman apart though

So she got extremely upset that the guy said "Do you want my name? It's Hugh Mungus.".. Even if he said something way more vulgar and obvious like "Jack Mehoff", it's a joke, lady. People who get offended at jokes are idiots. Here's another good example of that at a fuckin' COMEDY SHOW no less! WTF?

Dude handled it like a professional though

Not a fan of the double standards
Yeah that's usually how it goes when people disable the ratings

People in comment sections of other social media outlets are tearing the woman apart though

So she got extremely upset that the guy said "Do you want my name? It's Hugh Mungus.".. Even if he said something way more vulgar and obvious like "Jack Mehoff", it's a joke, lady. People who get offended at jokes are idiots. Here's another good example of that at a fuckin' COMEDY SHOW no less! WTF?

Dude handled it like a professional though

Not a fan of the double standards
I like how the dude handled it.
Does this constitute harassment?

absolutely. she harassed hugh, the guards, incited a mob, and harassed many others before she got to the cops and turned her camera off. would have loved to see the end of that story...

hugh mongiss... guess he should have said al kaholick?

props to the guy for being a better human and exiting without engaging in her made-up conflict.

humongous what?!? humongous what!!! you are sexually harassing me!!!!

hope she got a night or two in a nice, safe, secure, cinder-block safe room...
I am on the girls side.

Years ago before I had feelings, I would have maybe been that guy!

I was forced to take(and pass) cultural diversity, women and gays in the work place classes.

Opened my eyes and shut my mouth.
That's the thing about some people nowadays. The whole "right not to be offended" like being offended gives you the right to harass or even assault someone else.

Some people say the millennial generation. Tell you the truth it's more about the sue happy society we live in. Everyone thinks they can live in a safe little bubble. The west has not experienced tragedy in a few generations especially in the U.S. We don't know what the real world is like.