Does this Amazon cart look alright for my first grow tent??

You can get a 6" active air inline fan, (79.00) a speed controller (19.99 or 29.99) and a 400 cfm carbon filter (75.00) all from Youll be way under your budget. They ship extremly fast and everything comes in unmarked box and the return address is even discret. Theyship from ohio and usually in one business day. Even when they ship magnum reflectors it comes in an unmarked box with the orignal box inside the plain brown one. I love that site they have the cheapest prices for everything. That fan retails for 140 and its only 79.99 there all the time. 1000 watt lumateks are only 250! Trust me problem solved close the thread, you wont find a better more discreet deal. And no i dont work there im just a happy customer from a couple orders.
i have a list of about 100 items needed for a complete successive grow. so many little items. not to mention seeds ;P your looking to spend at least $3k-$4k. and this is if you want to cut corners. GOOD LUCK MY FRIEND> you will need it.