Does speed drying ruin potency? Bit worried...


Well-Known Member
Basically I'm worried my pot is low potency but I'm also hoping that speed drying it in an oven considerably damages the thc content which would mean I can still expect a good smoke after drying yet! I just took an 8th to sample, dried over 40 mins in oven at 60celsius and it was really weak.


Well-Known Member
depends kinda on how far into flowering are you? the oven can ruin your stuff by vaporizing the trichs. plus it will have a incredible bad taste. why sample a unfinished product?


Well-Known Member
Basically I'm worried my pot is low potency but I'm also hoping that speed drying it in an oven considerably damages the thc content which would mean I can still expect a good smoke after drying yet! I just took an 8th to sample, dried over 40 mins in oven at 60celsius and it was really weak.
Yes speed drying does ruin potency so does light. Remember the last few weeks is when the bud really starts to put on weight as well as form good amounts of thc, so what ever you do dont rush harvest, youve come this far just wait it out and you wont have any regrets!


Well-Known Member
na the plant I picked was finished and is hanging up drying but I speed dried a few popcorn buds as a sample! Wasnt happy! Hoping the oven just ruined it. Its full of crystals and is meant to be a good smoke so should be you would think. Its a pakistani landrace crossed with unknown. Yarkoum.


Well-Known Member
Basically I'm worried my pot is low potency but I'm also hoping that speed drying it in an oven considerably damages the thc content which would mean I can still expect a good smoke after drying yet! I just took an 8th to sample, dried over 40 mins in oven at 60celsius and it was really weak.
We've all done it at some point surely! If you MUST sample those first cuts just stick a bud on top of your lights/reflector for several hours until the stems snap as usual and its crisp dry......... still knocks me off my feet everytime! Don't taste great though but if you are going to do it at least make sure its 100% dried.


Active Member
it takes 7 days to get the chlorophyll completely out of your buds and if you dont wait til the chlorophylls gone you wont get near the potency. impatience is the no. 1 killer of good bud, dont be a statistic.


Active Member
For THC from a wet cannabis plant to become psychoactive, it has to first lose a carbon atom, decarboxynilization (sorry for the spelling) which is done during drying/curing. All fast drying does is get the moisture out when you still need to lose that carbon atom. Some of the molecules on the plant can lose that atom while growing (that is why you still feel a little buzzzed at best after the oven) but you need extended drying and curing to get really fucked up.

Simply, don't be impatient just wait until it is done.


Well-Known Member
are you can water cure a few buds thats what i always do if i harvest and need smoke i just water cured some blue cheese just a few grams and it put me on my arse


Active Member
the best way to quick dry some bud,if ya desperate for a smoke is by putting some in a brown envelope and putting it on a hot ballast untill its dry,,,check on it regulary so it dont dry to a crisp,,,,it wont taste too good,plus it wont be as potent as properly dried and cured bud,,but it will still get you stoned,,,,ive done it before so i know what im talking about,,,,but really you should just be patient and dry it properly,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,peace.

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
You can do what you want, and there are plenty of people on here who will disagree with me.

But the slower you dry your bud, the better it will be. It takes time for all the acids in the plant to fully convert to the thc laden resins that give the plant potency and flavor.

If you're going to quick dry it in the oven, then don't waist your time growing plants of good genetics, just go down to the corner and get some of that Mexican Brown Frown and save yourself all that time and money.


Active Member
If its still a bit wet it wont burn properly, meaning a lot of the weed is going unsmoked, making the joint not as potent. Couple that with the fact that the trichs need to be dried to hit their full potential and your left with fairly weak green. You should never rush your harvest, but I cant help myself everytime, then regret it afterwards but then I forget how much i regretted it the next time and do it all again. Viscious circle