does soil really matter?


Well-Known Member
just want to share a quote from another thread from my friend Shrubs (who has a degree in horticulture)

Originally Posted by Chebus
hmm guess i forgot to concider how much more shunshine u get....but even so, i guess one of the oldest saying is still true, you get what u pay for

Sunshine is Soil-Less, it seems you don't know much of what you're talking about.
"you get what you pay for" ya control of what goes in and what goes out. You talk
about Sunshine like it is soil.

Fox Farm is pretty low quality when it comes to the soil, especially OF, the Happy Frog
is a higher quality in terms of Organics. I'd prefer to use Roots Organics natural and
organic line over either though.

Originally Posted by Chebus
in what way is it better?

Is Fox Farm Ocean Forest even inoculated with any Spores or Bacteria?

Happy frog comes with an advanced micro herd with no need for any
inoculation, ocean forest is mainstream low quality, mass produced
garbage. Simply put, Fox Farm is an "organic like" media with no
living organisms which means the plant is unable to break down the complex
guanos, castings and other heavy slow releasing organic ferts. This means
you spend more money, and more time inoculating. How would you digest
food with out your stomach? There are living organisms and bacteria in
your stomach which break down the food you eat. The same goes for plants.
I guess you didn't know this.

You keep posting your charts, i'll keep posting the facts.​


what i did with my last grow(which was my first grow EVER, and is currently in its flowering stage) is i started the plants in miracle grow soil, started giving fox farm grow big maybe 1 week and a half or 2 weeks after sprouting. i didnt put them into flowering until they had been vegging for maybe a month. i transplanted into bigger pots, used more miracle grow soil, and began giving fox farm big bloom. since ive started flowering ive had a few problems with nute burn, so its been kind of a trial by fire thing with me and these nutes. id like to stick with doing organic grows for now until im ALOT more experienced, so...can anyone suggest a better soil? i know that you dont think i should use fox farm riddleme, so do you have a better suggestion for soil and or nutes? thanks for allll you help guys, i love learning about this stuff!!


Well-Known Member
what i did with my last grow(which was my first grow EVER, and is currently in its flowering stage) is i started the plants in miracle grow soil, started giving fox farm grow big maybe 1 week and a half or 2 weeks after sprouting. i didnt put them into flowering until they had been vegging for maybe a month. i transplanted into bigger pots, used more miracle grow soil, and began giving fox farm big bloom. since ive started flowering ive had a few problems with nute burn, so its been kind of a trial by fire thing with me and these nutes. id like to stick with doing organic grows for now until im ALOT more experienced, so...can anyone suggest a better soil? i know that you dont think i should use fox farm riddleme, so do you have a better suggestion for soil and or nutes? thanks for allll you help guys, i love learning about this stuff!!
Well I agree with Shrubs on Happy Frogs, I use it for seedlings and he (shrubs) also likes Roots Organic

I like chemicals, cause I like to be in total control which is harder with organic