Does she look ready?

If you know so much, than explain this. What EXACTLY do you flush out? What are the EXACT %s of these things do you flush out? How do the numbers different between a 3 day/7 day/14 day flush? K, thanks.
Any excess nutrients the plant hasn’t USED to grow and mature. Do you know what the nutrients we give them are used for? Growing. Now if you’re giving your plant feed till the day you cut it, why are you doing that? You’re wasting feed and you’re also putting chemicals into the weed that aren’t going to be used up by the plant because ITS STOPPED USING THEM TO GROW. It will effect the taste of your smoke and it will mostly likely burn your throat. Now if you stop giving the plant feed 2 weeks before you chop. It will use all the remaining nutrients it has in its system and soil to grow hence why leaves and stems turn yellow during flushing. If you do it right you’ll have a plant that’s fully mature, full grown with NO EXCESS NUTRIENTS left in the bud because it has used them ALL. Can I make it any simpler for you?
If you know so much, than explain this. What EXACTLY do you flush out? What are the EXACT %s of these things do you flush out? How do the numbers different between a 3 day/7 day/14 day flush? K, thanks.
Can you actually explain that? With trustworthy information? Because a grow store and hightimes aren’t scientist hightimes actually says that they just asked people. This fits the whole if “Johnny says jump off a bridge it’s fun”. And no sorry I’m not going to waste my time reading fake information from a GROW STORE that wants to maximize profit
Any excess nutrients the plant hasn’t USED to grow and mature. Do you know what the nutrients we give them are used for? Growing. Now if you’re giving your plant feed till the day you cut it, why are you doing that? You’re wasting feed and you’re also putting chemicals into the weed that aren’t going to be used up by the plant because ITS STOPPED USING THEM TO GROW. It will effect the taste of your smoke and it will mostly likely burn your throat. Now if you stop giving the plant feed 2 weeks before you chop. It will use all the remaining nutrients it has in its system and soil to grow hence why leaves and stems turn yellow during flushing. If you do it right you’ll have a plant that’s fully mature, full grown with NO EXCESS NUTRIENTS left in the bud because it has used them ALL. Can I make it any simpler for you?
I didn't think you had any FACTUAL DATA to support what you believe in only because your friends tell you it's real. Just wanted to give you the benifit of the doubt.
I didn't think you had any FACTUAL DATA to support what you believe in only because your friends tell you it's real. Just wanted to give you the benifit of the doubt.
Do you even understand how plants work or even have a tiny bit of common sense? It doesn’t take a very high iq to understand what I’m saying
Do you even understand how plants work or even have a tiny bit of common sense? It doesn’t take a very high iq to understand what I’m saying
So here's the thing. No matter how glitz and glam High Times is(and I'll have to check my posts cause i don't remember posting any video/links or quoting them) they obviously have some validation. Who are you? A hobby grower that grows 1 to 4 plants in a 4x4 maximum? And lets be honest... i haven't looked at your posts, but what have you done grow wise? If i was a brand new grower High Times has WAY more time in the growing field than you do and you are not a Marijuana scientist or a longtime major cultivator to know more than those guys.
So here's the thing. No matter how glitz and glam High Times is(and I'll have to check my posts cause i don't remember posting any video/links or quoting them) they obviously have some validation. Who are you? A hobby grower that grows 1 to 4 plants in a 4x4 maximum? And lets be honest... i haven't looked at your posts, but what have you done grow wise? If i was a brand new grower High Times has WAY more time in the growing field than you do and you are not a Marijuana scientist or a longtime major cultivator to know more than those guys.
All it takes is a little growing/testing and a little tasting to figure it out. I don’t need people to spoon feed me information because I have the ability to think for myself. I’ve seen enough here XD
All it takes is a little growing/testing and a little tasting to figure it out. I don’t need people to spoon feed me information because I have the ability to think for myself. I’ve seen enough here XD
If you think you have the ability to make a plant rid itself of what you want, why isn't flushing done in 1 day? 9/10 times when you taste "harsh" weed it's because you didn't CURE right. I grow coco and feed full nutes to the last day before chop. If been told some of my smoke was the smoothest ever. I feel I've got my CURE down. You believe it's flushing but have no facts about flushing except what you read. I know my cure helps my outcome. You don't know what makes the weed you smoke taste bad. Bad genetics, bad cure, bad growing(most likley from novice house growers). Is what it is. Flushing was made to sell products. Nothing more, nothing less.
If you think you have the ability to make a plant rid itself of what you want, why isn't flushing done in 1 day? 9/10 times when you taste "harsh" weed it's because you didn't CURE right. I grow coco and feed full nutes to the last day before chop. If been told some of my smoke was the smoothest ever. I feel I've got my CURE down. You believe it's flushing but have no facts about flushing except what you read. I know my cure helps my outcome. You don't know what makes the weed you smoke taste bad. Bad genetics, bad cure, bad growing(most likley from novice house growers). Is what it is. Flushing was made to sell products. Nothing more, nothing less.
We’re not trying to rid the plant of anything. We’re getting rid of the EXCESS NUTRIENTS in the growing medium and getting the plant to use any EXCESS it has left to complete its growth and maturity. You’re an idiot if you are giving feed to your plant right before the chop. So what if you have been told your weed is the smoothest. None of whom have tried it have probably ever sat there and directly tasted the difference or even tried flushed weed. If anything your weed could be even better than it already is with a well timed and well executed flush
We’re not trying to rid the plant of anything. We’re getting rid of the EXCESS NUTRIENTS in the growing medium and getting the plant to use any EXCESS it has left to complete its growth and maturity. You’re an idiot if you are giving feed to your plant right before the chop. So what if you have been told your weed is the smoothest. None of whom have tried it have probably ever sat there and directly tasted the difference or even tried flushed weed. If anything your weed could be even better than it already is with a well timed and well executed flush
Let’s say you’re right and flushing helps. Your plant is already so yellow it’s only going to get worse. So think of it more as situation dependent. I use organic so I don’t have this epic internal battle of flushing or not.

yellow leaves don’t have trichomes. Yellow leaves can’t be used for edibles or any other concentrate. So if your plant is dark green and you have two weeks left and you think flushing helps, knock yourself out. But if the leaves are yellow and you cut nutrients for 2 weeks, it’s only going to get uglier.
We’re not trying to rid the plant of anything. We’re getting rid of the EXCESS NUTRIENTS in the growing medium and getting the plant to use any EXCESS it has left to complete its growth and maturity. You’re an idiot if you are giving feed to your plant right before the chop. So what if you have been told your weed is the smoothest. None of whom have tried it have probably ever sat there and directly tasted the difference or even tried flushed weed. If anything your weed could be even better than it already is with a well timed and well executed flush
Are you just posting mad messages to get your "well known member" status a few days early? I see what this is now.
NO EXCESS NUTRIENTS left in the bud because it has used them ALL. Can I make it any simpler for you?
I really don't care if you flush or not, but your statement is just not correct as shown by the lab testing. To get a glimpse of actual testing in the cannabis world is pretty rare so make the most of it. As stated above, if you've smoked harsh weed that you feel like hasn't been flushed it's more likely due to the way it was dried and cured or just the strain itself. But hey, all this testing really show's is you can do what ever you want , flush or not it doesn't really matter. But claiming it's healthier or taste better , the science just doesn't support that. I'm sure you will find after a few more years of growing and doing your own blind taste tests you will come to the same conclusion.
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The strain is Critical Orange Punch. It’s supposed to take 75 days from seed to harvest and it’s currently on the 74th day from when it sprouted however, I’ve noticed new pistles still forming on the buds. There are quite a few white pistles left and the buds seem to be growing still. I suspect at some point before I started flushing there was a lockout, could that of stunted progression? I have about a week left till the flush is complete. I also can’t check the pistles as I don’t have a microscope. Tell me what you think.
Lol I wouldn’t follow exactly what the box said. Mine said 90 days and it’s been well over that but she’s looking amazing so I’m gonna go spend $12 on a little magnifier pretty soon
The strain is Critical Orange Punch. It’s supposed to take 75 days from seed to harvest and it’s currently on the 74th day from when it sprouted however, I’ve noticed new pistles still forming on the buds. There are quite a few white pistles left and the buds seem to be growing still. I suspect at some point before I started flushing there was a lockout, could that of stunted progression? I have about a week left till the flush is complete. I also can’t check the pistles as I don’t have a microscope. Tell me what you think.

Wow. Nice job. I usually wait til the pistils are 80% brown/red and the plant itself looks ready. I like cloudy trichomes, as a matter of taste.
As for the flushing most people on here, I'm a novice grower and therefore learning as I go/grow. It's comical to see people post what they consider "proof" be it for or against. It's the age of google I guess. I would say that some fertilizers are harsher than others...and if you are using clean/organic nutes, then flushing doesn't really get you anything.

OTOH...if you are using a harsher nute line, then I say flush....but what the fork do I know?! I grow 4 plants at a time in my garage and (like most here) I'm by no means an expert.
I forgot to post the end results but I have got some photos of before I cut her down. Waiting an extra week was the best decision I could of done, she shines beautifully now.


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