Does she look ready?

Imagine trying to tell someone who’s tasted and noticed the difference that it makes no difference why is it that everyone i know including me that smokes weed can tell straight away if a plant has been flushed or not? You can’t so all you do is grab a snapshot from an internet article and just because I’m a newbie to growing doesn’t mean I haven’t smoked weed for years and can tell the difference between weed that’s been flushed and weed that hasn’t
I think you need to learn how to think for yourself because the people saying flushing doesn’t work are pulling up shit from the internet when the people who do are basing it off their OWN RESEARCH and experience from weed they’ve grown themselves, can’t notice the difference? Does it annoy you that people are able to think for themselves and find out their own new information without running to google when their beliefs are in danger?
I can tell when pot is grown with synthetic nutrients even if it is flushed, my throat will be burning by the end of the day. hightimes growing information has been a joke for 15 years at least, science says it’s okay to eat GMO food even though we now know it contains traces of round up, do y’all like round up with your veggies? And yes you can flush nutrients by not feeding them for a while how the hell would you explain the plant deficiency if you stop or don’t feed enough? I’m kind of rethinking joining this forum and I’ll leave it at that
I can tell when pot is grown with synthetic nutrients even if it is flushed, my throat will be burning by the end of the day. hightimes growing information has been a joke for 15 years at least, science says it’s okay to eat GMO food even though we now know it contains traces of round up, do y’all like round up with your veggies? And yes you can flush nutrients by not feeding them for a while how the hell would you explain the plant deficiency if you stop or don’t feed enough? I’m kind of rethinking joining this forum and I’ll leave it at that
We won't miss you :p
I can tell when pot is grown with synthetic nutrients even if it is flushed, my throat will be burning by the end of the day. hightimes growing information has been a joke for 15 years at least, science says it’s okay to eat GMO food even though we now know it contains traces of round up, do y’all like round up with your veggies? And yes you can flush nutrients by not feeding them for a while how the hell would you explain the plant deficiency if you stop or don’t feed enough? I’m kind of rethinking joining this forum and I’ll leave it at that
So your saying the lab test results were incorrect or they didn't test fairly ?
I’m saying they, being hightimes and the other company who would have a benefit from you using as much of their product as they can get you to aren’t being truthful and probably aren’t actual scientists. They make more money this way.
It’s not about different opinions it’s about not wanting to be around idiots who attack people when they have a different opinion.
I didn't see ANYBODY cursing, getting racial, sexist, making religious or mom jokes, so it seems you just might not be internet ready if anything less than that got you down.
you’re just telling people not to do something that is going to effect their health and probably others because hightimes and a grow store says so. You guys are really cool
I didn't see ANYBODY cursing, getting racial, sexist, making religious or mom jokes, so it seems you just might not be internet ready if anything less than that got you down.
That’s not his point. It’s the fact that everyone started telling me and the other dude that it does nothing and we don’t know what we’re talking about and started showing internet articles like our own personal knowledge and experience doesn’t matter. Only people who really understand weed and appreciate it know that flushing is crucial for the best possible smoke and flavour. Period.
That’s not his point. It’s the fact that everyone started telling me and the other dude that it does nothing and we don’t know what we’re talking about and started showing internet articles like our own personal knowledge and experience doesn’t matter. Only people who really understand weed and appreciate it know that flushing is crucial for the best possible smoke and flavour. Period.
I told herbs and suds to ‘lay off the suds’ the first time we met too
you’re just telling people not to do something that is going to effect their health and probably others because hightimes and a grow store says so. You guys are really cool
If you know so much, than explain this. What EXACTLY do you flush out? What are the EXACT %s of these things do you flush out? How do the numbers different between a 3 day/7 day/14 day flush? K, thanks.