Does she look ready?

clean your glasses and go back and read again. I don't know how much more hand holding I can possibly do here. Actually, maybe just watch the video instead, it may be easier to consume.
Might need to clean yours, clearly stated I watched the video and in that first 45 seconds proves exactly why you should flush the plant. Yikes.
I used to flush ,now i dont.
Don't see any difference. Only the plant looks nice at the end instead of yellow
That said I dont fry my plants. Its possible a burnt overfed plant will not have nice buds at all, but even at that point is flushing the roots for 2 weeks going to reverse that?
I doubt it. Thats like hoping to reverse burnt leaf tips , whats done is done
And if the plant looks healthy then that means the buds have never been in a salt surplus so you dont need to worry about over concentration of salts in the bud .
Might need to clean yours, clearly stated I watched the video and in that first 45 seconds proves exactly why you should flush the plant. Yikes.
Well your smoke must clearly be amazing.....Keep reading the last line over and over again.. Maybe it will stick..

"In a first of its kind study, Rx Green Technologies evaluated the effects of flushing period on yield, potency, terpenes, mineral content, and taste characteristics of Cannabis flower. Overall, the length of the flushing period did not impact yield, potency, terpenes, or taste characteristics of Cannabis flower. Taste test results indicated a trend toward improved flavor and smoke quality with the zero-day flush. While there were no significant differences in nutrient content, there was a trend toward increased iron and zinc in flower flushed for 14 days. The results of this trial indicate that there is no benefit to flushing Cannabis flower for improved taste or consumer experience."
And yet all the others in this thread are laughing at your logic

You don't suppose we know something?
It doesn’t matter what it says on the internet. All you have to do is grow your own weed and try the difference between bud you’ve flushed and weed you haven’t. It’s as easy as that. Until you’ve done it, don’t tell people who have what they have or haven’t tasted.
Flushing is a myth, this has been studied already. There is no difference in the chemical makeup of buds that've been flushed for 2 weeks before harvest and bud that wasn't. No chemical makeup difference = no difference in smell or flavor.

Its kind of arrogant to assume people haven't already tested this out for themselves.
It doesn’t matter what it says on the internet. All you have to do is grow your own weed and try the difference between bud you’ve flushed and weed you haven’t. It’s as easy as that. Until you’ve done it, don’t tell people who have what they have or haven’t tasted.
Except when its a a study which employed some scientific rigor that showed no advantage to "flushing". Do you have data to the contrary or just speculating?
It doesn’t matter what it says on the internet. All you have to do is grow your own weed and try the difference between bud you’ve flushed and weed you haven’t. It’s as easy as that. Until you’ve done it, don’t tell people who have what they have or haven’t tasted.
I bet none of these "growers" have been growing more than a year or two haha. Its hilarious tbh.
You just joined last month. Go away clown.
Lol bunch of pea brains. Go experiment for yourself instead of reading some bullshit ass "study". Of which is just farts in the fucking wind hahahahaha. Not one peer review on these so called studies and evidence that hold these "facts" to flushing. Go back to growing autoflowers, clown.
plants grown outside are not flushed and they have nutes right uptll the day they get harvested.
flushing will only allow the plant to rid its self of any nutes it has in the growing medium, the plant still has all the nutes you grew it with in its flowers and leaves.
personaly dont flush, but im organic soil and the most my plant will have, is a small amount of comfrey liquid in it and any nutes left in the soil amendments i use
omg! i’m so glad i ran into this thread. i’ve only been growing for about 3yrs. my flowering room is in constant flux. harvest one, replace it. harvest another replace it. flushing was a nightmare to do, trying to keep track of my dates of all these diff girls? well, i chose to try a no-flush approach, and my results IMPROVED! all my grow buddies say im an idiot for not flushing now. but even they themselves fucked up, by first complimenting my results. telling me i had made obvious improvements... only to later learn i’d stopped flushing. and yet they STILL swear by it! (because that’s what they were told. by everyone ever. well, i think that just makes them followers). the science IS out. and now i have the links. so, thanks guys
Do you like your tomatoes flushed ?
You’re all going on at me about some random shit on the internet that I don’t care about when I’ve LITERALLY grown and tasted weed that has been flushed and hasn’t flushed. I don’t give a single shit what people have said on the internet because I HAVE TRIED IT MYSELF. If you have tried flushing and fucked your results that means you didn’t do it properly and maybe you need to learn a thing or two. If you’re someone who can’t taste the difference then that’s unlucky for you. Don’t tell me what I have or haven’t tasted because in my reality it’s A FACT flushing makes my weed smoke/taste better
You’re all going on at me about some random shit on the internet that I don’t care about when I’ve LITERALLY grown and tasted weed that has been flushed and hasn’t flushed. I don’t give a single shit what people have said on the internet because I HAVE TRIED IT MYSELF. If you have tried flushing and fucked your results that means you didn’t do it properly and maybe you need to learn a thing or two. If you’re someone who can’t taste the difference then that’s unlucky for you. Don’t tell me what I have or haven’t tasted because in my reality it’s A FACT flushing makes my weed smoke/taste better

Pretty odd you have all this experience yet you're asking noob questions like "is it ready?!" and talking about checking pistils with a scope.
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Pretty odd you have all this experience yet you're asking noob questions like "is it ready?!" and talking about checking pistils with a scope.

This lol

You’re all going on at me about some random shit on the internet that I don’t care about when I’ve LITERALLY grown and tasted weed that has been flushed and hasn’t flushed. I don’t give a single shit what people have said on the internet because I HAVE TRIED IT MYSELF. If you have tried flushing and fucked your results that means you didn’t do it properly and maybe you need to learn a thing or two. If you’re someone who can’t taste the difference then that’s unlucky for you. Don’t tell me what I have or haven’t tasted because in my reality it’s A FACT flushing makes my weed smoke/taste better
Screenshot_20210402-141458_Chrome Beta.jpg

I bet none of these "growers" have been growing more than a year or two haha. Its hilarious tbh.
Going 12 years now, a long journey and learning curve. Flushing is bs was the last and most significant discovery
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