Does she look done? Strawberry Haze - Week 9


What do you guys think?

I'm debating beginning my 10-14 day flush tomorrow morningphoto.jpgphoto34.jpgphoto1.jpgphoto3.jpgphoto2.jpg. The white hairs in the second pic are making me consider another week, but main bud looks ripe. Under the scope i'm seeing mixed info. This is my first harvest so i'm not really even 100% sure what i'm looking for. I think they look milky, but i have no basis of comparison. It's a Sativa so i'm hoping to harvest when majority looks milky, and there is maybe 10% brownish trichs.

She went through a couple weeks of bad stress (almost lost her) and i'm concerned i have to let her keep growing a bit longer. The recommended grow length is 70-75 days.


Active Member
Still some very long and very white pistils there. It is a Haze sativa and they can take a very long time to finish. My Arjan's Haze 3 which I just, just chopped flowered for 16 weeks (and could have gone one more). Mind you, it was a big plant and vegged outdoors so it was over 6 feet when it started to flower.


Active Member
You let the fan leaves die to quickly sorry to say but that plant will take forever to finish now and it may not ever fully finish...Good Luck

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Both of my GHS Strawb hazes too absolutely yonks to finish, looked just like yours does, i think mine was 12 or 13 weeks, was an absolutely terrible smoke.

john pickle

Active Member
if recommended time is 70-75 days, thats 10-10.8 weeks.... youre only on 9.something..

in addition if she was stressed like you seem to know she was wait another week on top of the 70-75


that is seriously some of the worst looking weed ive ever seen, no offense to the grower, it looks like some really bad genetics, also you cannot burn your plants like that friend or theyll never finish, no trying to be a dick but that weed looks real fucked up, again no offense to grower ghs is a bad company theres your first problem, i take that back, they arent bad, they are not as good as others imo

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Just better. I don't know if it was a dodgy pheno or something. It gave a very mild strange short lasting heady high, but zero effect to the body. It also did not burn very well and smelt very strange :D I was a bit dissapointed to say the least, but as i say, could be just a bad couple of seeds, GHS seem to be rather hit or miss.


i grew their train wreck and it was pretty good, i grew arjan 1 and 2 and thought they sucked, their white widow was good, while iveheard bad thinmgs about strawberrry haze from more than one source, so id agree, hit or miss indeeed


sorry man, i agree with some other posters here - your weed looks like it's been burnt and mistreated. Too much light + heat + nutes? Hard to tell from the pics how far along she is. You really need to look at those buds super up close to judge peak ripeness. Do you have a microscope or magnifying glass? Highly recommended, $8 at radioshack. Good luck man

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
sorry man, i agree with some other posters here - your weed looks like it's been burnt and mistreated. Too much light + heat + nutes? Hard to tell from the pics how far along she is. You really need to look at those buds super up close to judge peak ripeness. Do you have a microscope or magnifying glass? Highly recommended, $8 at radioshack. Good luck man
In defense to timbuktu, i had exactly the same state leaves, i even recall commenting in a thread somewhere that whatever i did they just "burnt", regardless how much i dropped their feed ratio, they didn't play ball.


Thanks for all the advice. It's been a fun ride. I'm not going to deny that I should have been lighter on the nutes. I guess all I could really say in my defense is a lot of the nasty looking leaves were from a few weeks back when I had a lock up and a bad p and k deficiency. Recently most new leaves have been nice and green. Keeping my fingers crossed.

@dzskeezy- how could there be too much light? Thought the goal was to max lumens, among other goals.

@all readers- what signs are evidence that she may not finish? Anything I can do to work in my favour?

Any thoughts on the buds shooting white hairs this late in the game?