Does she have Male flowers?


Just looks like swollen calyx keep a look out for pollen sacks referred to as “nanners” look in every nook and cranny there usually yellow and well hidden.


No problem Just out of curiosity I’m new to this forum stuff and wounded if you could check my post out to see if you could help at all lol no worries if not


Well-Known Member
Hard to tell due to the pic being blurry. But from what I can see I only see female flowers.
Also pollen sacks and nanners are two different things. Pollen sacks are full on male flowers AKA balls. Just one releasing its pollen can seed a whole crop.
Nanners usually sprout from female buds and do in fact look like little bananas. They show up very late in flowering on a lot of strains.Especially if stressed. A lot of folks believe their pollen not to be as viable as the pollen from balls. They also tend to show late enough in flowering that they do not have anywhere near the impact that early unchecked balls do.
Cheers and goodluck :)