Does "rushy" weed mean more potent?


Well-Known Member
I've been smoking, eating, vaping and growing weed a LONG time. I'm 49 and I started smoking regularly in Jr. High. I did take a 7 year break from consuming it and a 20 break from growing it but still, i've had my share of imported schwag, imported primo when it was happening, and lots of domestic.

It took me until recently when I've been selecting crosses and smoking different individuals of several crosses that it became clear that the attribute of "rushy" doesn't always match up to potency. In other words you might get just as baked from either sample of two different weeds, but one you might never have a head rush and the other might almost knock you off your feet, or in my case struggling to set down the water pipe before i just drop the fucker.

Anyway, I kind of like rushy, but i'm sure it's one of the things that makes some noided out. So what are your thoughts?


Staff member
rushy to me would mean its a sativa but not necessarily more potent