Does pure thc have an odor???????????????????


Well-Known Member
for some reason, im having a hell of a time finding the answer to this. ive read a lot that the chemical itself, PURE THC, has absolutely no scent at all. but i cant find any actual evidence to stand behind the fact.

Now, I dont want any opinions, i want cold hard facts. give me evidence.


Well-Known Member
just beacuse you cant smell it... it has no smell??

have a read
Dogs have about 25 times more olfactory (smell) receptors than humans. These receptors occur in special sniffing cells deep in a dog’s snout and are what allow a dog to “out-smell” humans. Dogs can sense odors at concentrations nearly 100 million times lower than humans can. Here’s a comparison to help you appreciate the vast difference in olfactory ability between humans and dogs: if all the sensory epithelia (skin tissue) in the average dog’s nose were laid out flat, it would cover an area of about 450 square feet, and contained within this nasal tissue are more than 200 million scent receptors, some 15 million of which have infrared capability. That means a dog can literally smell heat! If a human’s scent sensitive skin tissues were laid out flat, it would only cover about two square feet and contain less than five million scent receptors, none of which exhibit infrared capability. Also, in the brain of the average dog, more than 12 percent of the cerebral tissue is devoted to processing olfactory information. In humans, less than one percent of the brain is devoted to the same. Tests have proven dogs can detect one drop of liquid in a fifty-five gallon barrel of water, and some tests suggest dogs can even smell cancer cells.


Well-Known Member
you are in the wrong thread. im not talking about whether or not a dog can smell it. im talking about whether or not it gives off a scent. carbon monoxide for example, does not have an odor.

H R Puff N Stuff

Well-Known Member
thc does have an odor perse we may not smell it but it does release chemical signitures that other things like dogs can pick up i hear the only thing that may not have an odor is neutrinos

H R Puff N Stuff

Well-Known Member
you may want to do some research on how things work to get the smell,smell is an chemical observation recognized and identified by the smeller so, not smelling it, does not mean it has no smell.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
the terpene and the phenol component go through a change in order to create the cbc or cbd. the cbd then goes through a further change to create thc.

so my theory is that when the thc is created, all the terpens and phenols are left behind, thus leaving no scent.

H R Puff N Stuff

Well-Known Member
no it still has a scent just not one you can smell,change implies its still there just differant when you use ingrediants to make something those ingrediants are still there together they make something differant .


Well-Known Member
Takes a long time to train a dog to a scent, LSD is like the drug of the 70s so I am sure there is not too much effort to train them to the scent. Bottom line a dog could be trained to smell a fart from a fugitive a mile away but why bother. There is not a substance or even a cell type that a dog could not be trained to smell. They can train them to smell cancer, flus, you name it.


Well-Known Member
i dont give a fuck about what dogs can smell. if there is no odor given off, then there is nothing for them to smell. this is a separate thing from my other thread.

though weed is great, i am led to believe it is not good for everyone...


Well-Known Member
Hehey dude, i'm glad you catched my drift on the other thread and actually strarted reading some shit. But don't get mad dude. My opinion, when those things chemically change into thc, and then people said there would still be terpenes left that aren't used, is just stupid, we're talking about pure thc, not with all the remains of the chemical process.
and EVEN IF there still was a scent, I don't think a dog trained with dank week would pick it up, because the scent would be almost nothing if compared to weed in general.

Edit: in times like these my english fails me, sorry if this sounds weird


Well-Known Member
dc4 i am so glad we are thinking on the same level. im just getting pissed at the fact that this thread has nothing to do with dogs. thats why i took the question of thc having an odor or not and made this one. im pretty sure any concentrate made by weed has a scent. but in this case im not talkin about any type of concentrate. im talking about a pure chemical in and of itself. i really dont care whether or not a dog can smell it. as far as dogs go, im wondering exactly what single compound or group of compounds of the 400+ they are recognizing as 'weed'. but anything about that needs to be in the other thread. its like youre watching a documentary about the war, and all theyre talking about is fuckin monkeys or some bullshit.


Well-Known Member
That's just how life works, random as fuck. :D
Now if i would just understand how smells work and how exactly they are binded with the chemical....

Edit: ok we need that guy with the dog, try to make his dog find JWH. ( that stuff on spice and k3) IF it works, then thc has smell. ;)


Well-Known Member
i dont understand. first off, there are many jwh's. i would assume youre talkin about jwh-018 as it seems that particular one seems to be the most comparable to thc. but thats the whole thing. its not thc. only the effects are similar. so how are we going to conclude that if jwh has a scent, then so does thc?


Active Member
i feel like weed is so stinky, anything that is actualy part of the plant is going to smell like bud unless you isolate it and "clean" it some how?! thats just my thoughts