Does Pa Have Medical Marijuana


Active Member :confused: HI,My name is BOB ,I was wondering if anyone has any info about Medical Marijuana in the state of PA .I am a disabled 40 year old man with server nerve damage,I take pain pills on a daily bas ices and it starting to get a little old.I seem to get more relief from smoking then i do from eating pain pill all day.I take three strong ass painkiller,two pill form one liquid form.Good bud seem to give me energy ,That and really dulls my server pain for a little while,and if you no pain then a little while me a lot.So if anyone can help me that would be great :joint:


Well-Known Member
hello mate sorry to hear about your predicament,i hope i can help.
i am taken for granted you live in the us ,which unfortunately limits your
options . there are places in canada that run compassion clubs with a doctors note. but if you live in the us thats no good for you.
most moms won,t touch the us because off your tough laws if caught
sending stuff in the mail
i do no a reputable mom that does send to the states, although quite
pricey, they help out lots off people in your predicament
they are called jays joints, go to cannabis culture forums and look under moms and you can read reviews about them.
hope that helps if you have any trouble send me a pm and i will be glad to help.