Does only 12 hours light work? No vegging?

I have Very limited Height to work with. I have a 4 foot cabinet with two lights, (one 150 watt HPS, and one 175 watt MH).
I was wondering if it is possible to grow decent plants, using only 12 hours light straight from seedlings.
My idea is that this will allow them to go into flower asap, and keep them short. But will this actually work?

brewing up

Well-Known Member
its a wast of time 12/12 from seed, even a week of 18hrs is worth it if you can, plus theres guna be alot of heat in such a small space, use an old wardrobe or make a bigger room its worth doing


Well-Known Member
Ya, with those two beautiful lights, which u can run both for veg AND flower, simultaneously, u really should try to utilize a closet or a small nook ar something like that, and go with the traditional 18/6 until they get however big u want, before the stretch of flowering comes-AND IT WILL-and make sure they r sexually mature, so that u can sex them and take out yer dudes, and THEN go to the 12/12 thing... Thatz the way, you will wish you wouldve gone, if you continue the direction you r headed... Same amount,if not more work and the same in power costs, when you can yield, and ultimately have better success in a more open area, like a closet... My opinion only... DEF go with the mixed spectrum for duration-WAAAY MORE HAPPY PLANTS!

joliet jake

Active Member
its a wast of time 12/12 from seed, even a week of 18hrs is worth it if you can, plus theres guna be alot of heat in such a small space, use an old wardrobe or make a bigger room its worth doing
I beg to differ. my 12/12 grows are looking quite amazing. If you can veg and flower or wish to do both then that is great but I wouldnt rule it out.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
would an auto not be ideal for what room you have, don`t they stay small(ish) and want to flower from the get go?
maybe for an auto. but in nature that would be like starting an annual plant in october when the days start to get shorter. its not gonna grow to its full potential like it would if it had started growing in april!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
yeah but read the first post again he wants to grow decent plants in a small space, so even with small plants grown perpetually he can supply himself with smoke, theres lots of ways to go here, you could scrog two high yeilders either ....


Well-Known Member
Take my advice, try it once with MH for veg, and then switch to HPS for flower, and THEN try the same strains, same conditions, but use both for each phase, and decide for yourself if u like gettin 1oz, or a cutie pie per plant(depending on size, of course).... I have found that with every strain I grow, they tend to like a 3MH to 1HPS ratio during veg, and a 1MH to 3HPS ratio during flowering, with gradual changes towards each degree, at appropriate phases of growth... But, thatz just me, in my attempts to better re-create nature and it's changing light with changing seasons..... I used to do it the cut and dry "MH for veg, HPS for flower" way, and then I started playin' around a lil', and BAM! not only happier and more resinous buds, but more buds..... To each their own though...
I kind of mix it up.. In the first 4 - 6 weeks I use MH only, then 6 - 12 weeks I have both MH and HPS on at same time. When I want to flower I change to 12/12 and use HPS only until Harvest. Seems to be working so far...