does nature have intentionality?

does nature have intentionality?

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Just out of curiosity do you see the human species as not of nature? Are we not naturally occuring on this planet? Why the seperation, (not just you), that the human species is something separate from the nature in which it's surrounded by?
no, i do not see the human species as not of nature. (do you write questions for the LSAT or something?) I do, personally see man as part of nature.
I pointed out that this question (the thread's question) brings forth the paradoxical problem of classifying man as both part of and in conflict with nature/ the natural. By "in conflict with" i mean things like presuming to conquer nature. One generally does not conquer something/someone with which/whom one is in harmony.
But you do point out that it is us, humans, who have developed these concepts of "nature" through a process of definition that tends to leave the impression that there are categorical differences between forms of matter that may not actually be meaningful.
I'm pretty baked though, so i'll leave it at this:
throughout human civilization and culture we've struggled with the concept of our own apparent cognitive superiority to other beings, and have sought out ways of explaining and representing to ourselves what we presume to be exceptional capacities in a decidedly positive way. We should probably realize that not only are we a part of nature, we're not the only part; and, consciousness, as we understand it, can only be understood as far as consciousness allows. Thus, we are necessarily perspectivally bound to the dimensions of human cognitive functioning. So, whatever we may assert, however we may adjudicate, we can never know what an entity possessed of a different valence of cognitive capacity knows, how it knows it (meaning, in what way, what is the timbre of its knowledge?), or whether our categories of evaluation are extensive enough to adjudicate such forms of knowledge.
so i guess whether nature has intention is really a quite small question, only pertinent to Dasein, struggling about searching for an answer to the existential "why?" For the question is only pertinent to Dasein, human beings, who are themselves (ourselves) responsible for the concepts of nature and intentionality.
be easy,
Why the seperation, (not just you), that the human species is something separate from the nature in which it's surrounded by?

in which it's surrounded.

didn't address this directly, but I'd say we have tended to separate ourselves from "nature" because we have consciousness and communicate with one another, but cannot, as yet, communicate with any other entity. So, we fallaciously presume that we are the only ones of worth based on a hierarchy of cognitive capacities that we erected--guess who we placed at the top? The entire structural analysis of literary plots that fall under the rubric "man vs. nature" demonstrate well that the separation we make is adversarial, and, since we are basically egotistical, we are (supposed to be) interested in the fate of the man in these narratives. Thus, the separation is due to the fact of consciousness and the fault of egoism.
Hi Doc,

chemical reactions in humans also cause a bond and potentially create something new. I suppose, all joking aside, that the intention is one recombination. It seems also interesting (to me) that man is given the ability to reassemble himself on a daily basis. Animals and others further 'down' the chain are what they are and have no choice.

Though man is a part of nature, he has the choice to be either a reaper or a sower.


Nice post.

thanks man, you too. hope all is well with you!
be easy,
hahaha.cry baby.

It's ok for you to do it but no one else eh..

since when do i spam anti-semitic cartoons? i leave that up to people like you who join white supremacy and holocaust denial groups when they're not too busy citing the white supremacists from american renaissance.
since when do i spam anti-semitic cartoons? i leave that up to people like you who join white supremacy and holocaust denial groups when they're not too busy citing the white supremacists from american renaissance.

Lying through your teeth again I see.
Lying through your teeth again I see.

so are you claiming that you didn't cite, an offshoot of american renaissance (a white supremacist group) which is funded by notable white supremacist jared taylor, who also receives funding from white supremacist philippe rushton?

because i recall that you did cite statistics from that white supremacist group and then defended them, even though they are plainly false to even the most casual observer.
so are you claiming that you didn't cite, an offshoot of american renaissance (a white supremacist group) which is funded by notable white supremacist jared taylor, who also receives funding from white supremacist philippe rushton?

because i recall that you did cite statistics from that white supremacist group and then defended them, even though they are plainly false to even the most casual observer.

You are literally the only person to try and say that the info I posted where the research came from the FBI is false .. Get some new material... No one believes you when you say this shit, they never have, they never will.. You know why? Cause every time you tried, I made you look like a dumbass. HAHA

Gonna repeat some more bullshit? Probably so, cause that is all you are good at.
What makes you think ancient alien theory is valid?

I find it every bit as valid as flying spaghetti monster....thats what I mean.

but Fibonacci developed the sequence; it was recognized from nature and structured by human pattern-making consciousness and exists separate from phenomenal reality (math is pure abstraction). Fractals are compelling too, but they aren't indications that there lies an intentionality in nature; i'd say they indicate the capacity for pattern recognition/construction of the human mind.

So you're saying it existed in nature, and structured by human consciousness....I would agree.



You are literally the only person to try and say that the info I posted where the research came from the FBI is false .. Get some new material... No one believes you when you say this shit, they never have, they never will.. You know why? Cause every time you tried, I made you look like a dumbass. HAHA

Gonna repeat some more bullshit? Probably so, cause that is all you are good at.

the FBI is not a white supremacist organization and the conclusions you cited did not come from the FBI, they came from an offshoot of the white supremacist group 'american renaissance' called colorofcrime.

here it is. notice that you did not cite, but rather

Well this will be easy.
The Color of Crime

Race, Crime, and Justice in America — Second, Expanded Edition, 2005
Major Findings:

Police and the justice system are not biased against minorities.

now, the first hint that what you cited was patently false tripe was the very first of their "major findings". it is well documented that minorities do get higher sentences for the same crimes, and are more likely to be pulled over, searched, arrested, etcetera.

can you cite a similar finding from the FBI?

i'll wait while you try to find a similar "major finding" from the FBI.

go on. i'm waiting.
the research came from the fbi

no, raw data came from the FBI.

a white supremacist group then took that data and made some odd, wildly retarded conclusions. the "research" came from white supremacists.

for example:

The single best indicator of violent crime levels in an area is the percentage of the population that is black and Hispanic.

the same shit was on wiki.

no, it isn't.

here is what wiki says about predictors of crime:

While there is a correlation between blacks and Hispanics and crime, the data implies a stronger tie between poverty and crime than crime and any racial group, when gender is taken into consideration.[SUP][39][/SUP] The direct correlation between crime and class, when factoring for race alone, is relatively weak. When gender, and familial history are factored, class correlates more strongly with crime than race or ethnicity.[SUP][40][/SUP][SUP][41][/SUP] Studies indicate that areas with low socioeconomic status may have the greatest correlation of crime with young and adult males, regardless of racial composition

You know, I never really believed it, but from all the repeated lies you try and tell about me I can almost guarantee that you are fucking snitch.

baselessly calling me a snitch will not change the fact that you look to white supremacists for your worldview.

further, it will not change the fact that you did indeed join a white supremacist, holocaust denial group and pointlessly spam my thread with anti-semitic cartoons.

so feel free to call me a snitch, it will only get you banned even quicker than your white supremacy tendencies will.
Boom, proved my point for me..

You wasted your time with that other bullshit.

View attachment 2986057

maybe you should post some more anti-semitic cartoons to dispel the aura of white supremacy you have created around yourself.

the funniest part of you citing white supremacist groups is that you did so in a thread titled "LOW IQ yet again linked to conservative ideas and racism".

i'm not sure if you meant to literally prove the point of the thread singlehandedly, but it was lulzier than all holy fuck.
maybe you should post some more anti-semitic cartoons to dispel the aura of white supremacy you have created around yourself.

the funniest part of you citing white supremacist groups is that you did so in a thread titled "LOW IQ yet again linked to conservative ideas and racism".

i'm not sure if you meant to literally prove the point of the thread singlehandedly, but it was lulzier than all holy fuck.

Keep on repeating it.. Maybe one day it will become true.
what am i lying about?

you did indeed post demonstrably false nonsense from a white supremacy group.

should i show the connections between colorofcrime, american renaissance, jared taylor, philippe rushton, the pioneer fund, eugenics, and white supremacy?

because i will.

If you want to waste your time posting bits and pieces of things I post so be it. I could care less. I have no reason or need to defend what I have written as I have already proven you to be a liar and idiot. Carry on.
