Does my plant need trimming? And can anyone tell what its sex is now? AND YELLOW!!


Here's my Lemon Ice plant at almost 6 weeks of age. Don't know if I should consider trimming because it's become sooo densely leaved that it seems wider than it is tall.
Now here are a few pics of what look like pistils...but i couldn't identify any calyx so it's still unsure. But thing is that some of these pistils could otherwise only be new foliage, and they seem too long thin and whitish to be new foliage. Please help! Coz i'm desperate to trim (and try the trimmings out as cuttings) and even more desperate to confirm it's a she! Take a look please!
IMG_3160.jpg IMG_3161.jpg

Now take a look at these...they're kind of worrying, what are they from? the first one is a literal tiny hole but goes right through the leaf
now these are the yellow spots :/
IMG_3175.jpg IMG_3176.jpg IMG_3177.jpg

Please help asap, I need to make a move on, right now! But i don't want to make beginners' usual mistakes when I can get experts' opinions. So please help, I appreciate your every post so much!



I'm kinda,new at this too, so maybe there's someone that can offer you more useful information than me. I think your plant looks good. As far as sex goes, I think it's too early to make a judgement. It needs a week of 12/12 to show more characteristics of its sex. My females have started out looking just like yours, so I think there's a good chance you have a female.

As far as the yellow goes, it looks like a minor problem. If I had to guess, I would say that your soil ph may be a little off. I think some minor tweaking of nutrients would probably help. Get a soil test kit to see if your ph and nutrients are where they should be.

There might be some pests nibbling on your leaves. I've, thankfully, not yet had pest problems, so someone more experienced than me can chime in on that.


Well-Known Member
I notice your leaves are a bit wet...are you spraying them with something with nutrients in them? If so, stop...they dont need misting at this point, if thats what you are doing thats probably whats causing the spotting...Soil looks good, looks like plenty of drainage, how often do you have to water(how often do you water without lifting the pot to make sure its dry?)? What is your soil composition? What are you using for nutrients at this point? How large are your pots and how much are you watering them and how often and what ratio of nutrients are you using in it(if any)?

Just a few questions to be answered...the more info you can provide us the better our answers will be :)


Yup i was spraying them with water with nutrients simply coz d feed lowers ph of u think i can be spraying the foliage with 7.5 - 8.0pH water? I honestly dont know what s best which is why im asking. Anyway, Pot is approx 7.5litre, i water twice a day at 6am and again at around 4 - 5pm. i can normally tell when its dried up without lifting the pot. it takes her 12 - 14hrs to drain all the water if i give it a heavy watering. soil is made out of compost, vermiculite, perlite and a bit of coconut coir...soil has very nice texture full of air.
The best nutrients i found is this amazing liquid nutrient for tomatoes which says can be used for hydroponic systems etc and contains EXACTLY d nutrients required. i put 2.5ml with 2.5litres of water, a tiny bit more than recommended for indoor tomatoes.
i think i actually answered all your questions! What s your opinion now mate?


Well-Known Member
you wont see indication of sex, till the plant is sexually mature or when you put it into 12/12.

sexual maturity.. some show that in 4 weeks, some more and some never.

what you are looking for, looks like tiny white "hairish" pistils.

if you see balls, its a male.


By d many weeks would one normally allow before starting the 12/12 for flowering? And also... i have a 15litre pot thati want the plant to ultimately be in so it gets as large as possible. Please note that this plant was germinated in the 7.5litre pot so never been transferred yet. Should i repot it now as it's still in its early vegetative state, later on in vegetative state, as i start flowering or later on as its flowering? Obviously d aim is to get maximum yield.

By the way, when is best time to get cuttings? and from bottom, top, small, big? helpppp.... lol


Active Member
a. i say dont trim!
b. congradulations - its a girl!! (imo)
3. can be mites. it wont hert to spray some neem oil on them, just follow instruction correctly...
4. every bigginer makes mistakes. I read tons of guids and forums and still made mistakes, dont be hard on yourself. mistakes are best way of learning!

hope i helpt!


Anyone else supports his theory please????

This morning i found a root peeping through a drainage hole as i looked under the pot. Is that another sign of the plant telling me it wants to go in the 15litre pot? btw i was wrong to say that it is in a 7.5 litrepot, its probably like a 4litre or something


Well-Known Member
a. i say dont trim! <------Good advice
b. congradulations - its a girl!! (imo) <-----Bad advice
3. can be mites. it wont hert to spray some neem oil on them, just follow instruction correctly...<-----It's not mites, just stop folier feeding
4. every bigginer makes mistakes. I read tons of guids and forums and still made mistakes, dont be hard on yourself. mistakes are best way of learning! <------Best advice ever.

hope i helpt!

Hi, I'm Kalebaiden and I'll be stopping in on your grow now and then to help you out. I have a diverse background in plant physiology, biology and morphology as well as soils.

Your plant is not sexually mature, therefor will not give you or anyone else indication of sex. you can force sex to show with a 12/12 light schedual but if your not ready to flower then it's stressing your plant for little reason and it'll take a few weeks to go back to veg state. You can clone for sex (google is your friend) if you absolutly need to know right now(or 2 weeks-ish more likely)

How ever big your plant is, plan for it to get 3-4 times bigger when you flower. your pot size is good but make sure you have the vertical space and/or side lighting for lower branches.

Your plant is amazingly resilient and will survive most anything if you catch it early. Good luck on your grow


Well-Known Member

Just noted your pot size of 4L (almost 1 Gal.) A plant will grow to fill it's pot, both with roots and height. If you want a monster plant then transplant to a larger pot.


thanks mate ill keep that in mind. If it turns out to be male ill fukin shoot myself... be honest.with me.... if u have no money, and no means of getting better stuff, can u smoke a male?


Well-Known Member
Kill all males, never grow them unless you have alot of experience with pollenation. Others near by may have stealth grows of their own and a male within 1km has the ability to pollenate them.


Well-Known Member
you wont see indication of sex, till the plant is sexually mature or when you put it into 12/12.

sexual maturity.. some show that in 4 weeks, some more and some never.

what you are looking for, looks like tiny white "hairish" pistils.

if you see balls, its a male.
ive got a mercury valley thats 7 weeks tomorrow and hasnt even givin me preflowers yet. just takes time. flowering helps. lmao


Well-Known Member
dont trim them. stop spraying them ur probably burning the crap out of them with the lights and no dont smoke a male. bad idea. lol wouldnt be worth it. if u do happen to do it can u video tape it for me? lol. oh and its hard to tell if its a female by the preflowers if its not an awesome camara. throw it into flower when ur ready and it shoult show sex by the second week at least enough for u to possitively identify its pistols or balls.


Well-Known Member
The best advice you have been given so far is that this plant is way to young to know if it male or female yet...there is no possible way looking at those pictures to tell the plants sex...just chill back and time will tell...that Kalebaiden person sounds like they know their shit...i would listen to them...


hey there, the plants look great at this point. and as far as sex goes I am betting based on the size that you are growing bitches. But as most hav correctly said its too early to tell 4sure. I have been growing since 1975 or so and the best advice I can give ya is what someone (Kalebaiden) said The damm thing is a WEED and is very strong. Despite the best attempts from beginners they don't kill them most of the time