does my plant look healthy


Well-Known Member
Doesn't look terribly good to me. Pretty stretchy, going to have a lot of trouble in flowering as you will need to add mucho support. What size pot is that? I would transplant it into a bigger pot with better soil pronto.


Active Member
You should bend that bitch over to stimulate side growth. Unless you want it looking like Peter crouch? Lol other than that it looks fine ;)


Looks okay, could be a ton better though, next time i'd lower the light a little, its pretty tall and skinny, Flowering is going to be a bitch but very possible, I'd replant to a bigger pot and maybe use FFoF asap to keep her alive


Active Member
hey im responding to the your link you left in your thread. first off upright your pictures for us. its not that hard to do before you post!!!! your plant is root bound and stretchy from the lights. maybe over watered too but that is more because your pot is to small. used hps on cl are not that spendy under a hundred bucks for sure. im not saying its not possible to grow well under cfls but its better to bite the bullet and buy a used hps. it takes a lot of cf's to grow good herb which in the end doesn't save anything. don't be discouraged